"The last time I checked my dad was mad. And I am not homophobic."

Leonard then says nothing. He drives the whole way to the airport without talking to me. I really do like the silence but not the way it has come to be.

When we arrive the first person I spot is Garry crossing his arms talking to his mom. His smile is a contrast to his usual self, and I know the reason why. Garry's parents are always working and barely home, but they are very supportive. They make sure to come on holidays, times like this, his birthday, his football games and all, and he loves them so much.

I get lost thinking of Garry that I do not realize that Leonard already had parked the car. I look at him once more before I open the door. I take my suitcase and satchel. As I walk towards the airport door Leonard calls me. I stop and look at him, "Have fun."

As I settle into the plane with Julia I realize I am not yet calm. I take a look at the seats behind me and further to the back, but still I don't see Elia and Xander. But he promised to come, and last night he was packing? Did he change his mind? I heave a sigh leaning on the seat shutting my eyes, suddenly I don't want to go too.

"Hie" Julia all of a sudden says. I look at her to reply her but smile when I see who she is talking to. Xander. Elia is struggling with his traveling bag that is stuck somewhere behind him. He pulls it harshly and almost falls forward. Xander laughs at him. "Hie Julia... Nate my man!" I smile at Xander but hurry to focus on Elia. Something about him is really different today... like... oh... his hair.

Let's say I have always been spending time with Elia, but I never really took notice of his hair... it is pretty long and today it is tied at the back to produce a small pony tail. Some hair is falling on his face, making him look so... so beautiful. What!? I wait for him to look at me but when he finally does he looks down and quickly follows Xander to the seats next to us divided by the passage. Why is he... mad?

I decide to talk to Xander in order to grab Elia's attention. "Yoh! Xander, you're excited?" he looks at me and nods, and turns to talk to Elia, he is not even interested. He whispers something then they both look at me, once my eyes meet with Elia's I look away. What is going on? Is he that mad? I don't get why he is bitching around. Or maybe it was something I did last night. To be honest I was surprised when I woke up to see that the last person I talked to was Elia, like... after shopping Jake, Garry, Xander, Julia, Sage and I went to get a few glasses of wine at Julia's house. We ended up having a lot. And as for me, even if I get a bit drunk like last night I seem not to remember a thing. I know I took myself home and removed all my clothes to sleep because it was a bit hot. But I still have doubts, I just hope I didn't say anything that is going to force us to go back to square one because it really too a lot for us to be here. What could I have probably said to him? I will have to ask him later.

Nothing much happens during the time the plane is still loading, only that Julia and I talk about random stuff and by random, I mean things like how stupid it is to have a trip in winter and all. She ends up telling me about how she is single and searching, she even said 'Anyone to have you will be very lucky' she is dropping hints isn't she? But look, what if I really like Elia? There is no way we will ever be in a relationship, right? Like that will be so... so... so or a little not expected.

"Oh, God! I am so scared." I hear Elia say, Julia must have heard him also because we both look at him. He is sweaty and pressing his left palm on his chest. "...I'm nervous" he says to Xander. He has motion sickness, that is so... sweet. "Oh, baby gay is scared." Julia smiles looking at him. Xander puts a hand around him. Elia in return leans in... and I feel... jealous.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with services from the USA to Italy. We are currently second in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately four minutes time. We ask you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage under your seats or in the overboard compartments. We also ask that your seats and tables trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronics devices including laptops and cellphones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Enjoy your flight." As soon as the lady announces I look over at Elia. Currently there is a flight attended talking to him, by the movement of his hand I can tell he is motioning to throw up. I find this sweet, I really should be sitting with him now.

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now