Ëthia: Chapter 37 ~Familiar~

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We made our way onto the shore and looked back to assess the damage that Ivan had caused to the ships.

All three ships, ours, and the two Fire Empire ships, were sinking.

In the distance you could see some men swimming, not necessarily towards us, but towards the shore, and I didn't want to be around when they reached shore.

"We better get off the shore soon," Ivan stated, "I'm sure my father has ordered guards to check things out."

We agreed and started heading towards the trees that were a little further back.

Dax and Ivan placed the captains body over my bear making it easier to transport him.

Dax caught where my gaze was, "Ëthia, it's not your fault."

I gave him a weak smile, trying to convince him I didn't think it was my fault, when It completely was.

Walking through the forest we followed the same path that we followed the first time we were heading to the ship.

"Do you think there will be guards coming down this path?" Felicity asked.

Ivan looked around, "No, they'll be using a different path."

It took longer than we wanted but we eventually found ourselves at the underground home.

"It's actually great to be back here!" Felicity exclaimed.

"What is this place?" Seviah questioned looking around, "It's literally just trees."

We all let out a little laugh.

"Come with us." I instructed.

I walked towards the tree and found the hole in the ground that we needed to go into.

There were stairs just as I remembered, and I began my descension into the ground.

Upon reaching the bottom I smelt something odd, something unsettling.

"Wait!" I whispered harshly up at my friends who were coming down, "Something isn't right."

I took a defensive position and slowly made my way forward into the main living room.

The rest of my friends followed suit and spread out.

"Everything looks fine." Felicity said.

"What's that smell then?" I asked.

"This." Dax said as he picked up some rotten meat on the table, "Looks like Tyrus hasn't been here for a while."

Instantly my gaze shot to Ivan, "Do you think your father found them?"

The look Ivan gave me told me everything, he didn't have to say a word.

"Oh my gosh." I said as my heart began to pick up its pace, "How! How am I able to do this! Can't I keep anyone alive?!"

Not one of my friends decided to speak up this time and try to comfort me, I think they were starting to realize that I was right, almost anyone I come in contact with dies.

Moments passed and Seviah became curious.

"Who is Tyrus?" She asked.

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