Ëthia: Chapter 30 ~Prisoners~

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Opening my eyes was probably one of the hardest things I had done in the past few days, they were so heavy and I wanted to continue to sleep.

I could still feel Jaroms heart beat as I slept close to him but the sunlight coming though eventually ruined any chance of me getting back to sleep.

I opened my eyes and my vision took a while before it was able to focus, all of my friends were still asleep in the carriage and it seemed like they would be out for quite a while.

Noticing my surroundings a little more I realized that the carriage wasn't moving, it was at a dead halt.

Gently I lifted Jaroms arm off of me and slipped out of the carriage as quietly as I could.

Closing the door behind me I felt the soft ground that my foot had stepped on.

My eyes fell to the ground and I saw the soft, tall, green grass that had comforted my first step so well.

I lifted my eyes and saw the gorgeous meadow that I was in. Little seedlings were sprouting everywhere with warm colored flowers scattered all around. In the distance you could hear a rushing river, although you couldn't see it as there were thick trees at the end of the meadow.

I walked to the other side of the carriage to observe more of what this morning had to offer.

Quickly my eyes were satisfied with the beauty of a little cottage that had ivy growing up the side of it. A little white wooden door, which clearly was the front door, was slightly open which only grew my curiosity.

Confidently I walked to the door and pressed it open.

A little creaking sound made itself known but yet I didn't hear anything else.

I walked into the little room and noticed all the wooden furniture that had been there. A little table in the corner, wooden chairs surrounding that, wooden couches, art work framed with wood, brown rugs, baskets made of different shades of wood.

It was all very... Brown.

I laughed to myself a little and noticed that there was another door that I assumed led to a bedroom.

Walking over to the bedroom I heard a little murmur.

"Be okay", Was all I could make out from it.

Once more I pressed the door open and saw the captain down on his knees.

I wasn't familiar with this custom but had heard in some areas they do something where they talk to one of superiors in the sky.

I observed as the captain seemed to pour his heart out to this... God? I believe that was the right word. "God". The captain talked as if this spiritual being was really there.

"... Let her and my son be safe, protect them..." He continued.

Accidentally I put too much pressure on one of the floor boards which made a really loud sound.

Instantly the captain's eyes shot towards me, "Ëthia?"

"Captain!" I said as if I was shocked that he heard me.

"What are you doing?" He asked getting off his knees.

I looked back at the main room and then back at him, "I just woke up and got curious to where we were".

The captain smiled and pointed towards the main room, "Sit" He offered.

He and I both made our way out to the main room and sat down, "This used to be where I lived as a kid. My parents died not too long ago and I've just decided not give it to anyone else yet".

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