Ëthia: Chapter 8 ~You Don't Own Me~

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** I hope you all are enjoying the book so far.  I really enjoy writing the Character of Felicity, she is a great character in my opinion. Please you guys leave a comment and tell me how you think the story is going. Share it with your friends**

Dinner came and the same thing happened. The King would say awful things towards Felicity, The Queen practically just sat there, the brothers judged every little thing that happened, and Ëthia and Jarom tried to do the best they could of just smiling and trying not to get The King any madder than he already was.

Eventually they all had dispersed leaving the three friends alone at the table.

"Well" Felicity began, "I'd say that went much better than lunch"

Jarom looked at her, "I think anything would be much better than that lunch" Jarom emphasized.

The three then got up and went to Jarom and Ëthia's room, once there they shut the door and began to really talk.

"Alright" Ëthia started out, "So, from what we all know now, is that we are meant to find all the Royalty out of the four elements, right?" Ëthia asked for support.

Felicity nodded her head, "And we also know from what my prophet told me is that they all will be our age"

Jarom looked up, "Woah, Woah, Woah. So what you're telling me is not only are all four of you Royalty, but you're the same age?" He asked.

Felicity smiled, "Yes. That's exactly what we are saying. It makes our job easier. And think about it, Ëthia and I are the same age and both Royalty, we are most certainly on the right track"

"Although we still don't know who I'm supposed to kill" Ëthia added in.

"True. There's that" Felicity admitted.

All of them were sitting on Ëthia's bed thinking about the prophecy.

"Wait" Jarom said getting up and looking at the girls.

"What is it this time?" Ëthia asked Jarom.

"When are we planning on leaving? I know we have only been here since this morning, but from what I can tell Felicity's parents aren't too fond of her, no offense" Jarom said looking at Felicity, " I don't think we can just waltz right out of here".

Ëthia and Felicity looked at each other.

"He is right" Ëthia said, "How do we get you out?"

Felicity's eyes widened, "What do you mean, get me out? I can't leave, I'll be killed before I even set foot off this property, as long as you two are here".

Ëthia was a bit shocked, "What did you think was going to happen?"

Felicity stopped and thought about it, "I actually just thought you'd two be here and then be gone".

Ëthia got off the bed and stood by Jarom, "Not a chance, you're coming with us".

Felicity smiled.

"Only problem is" Ëthia started out, "How do we get the bears, and all our stuff on them, and leave the palace grounds, without being caught?"

"You can't" Felicity corrected, "You'll have to fight your way out"

Jarom went and plopped himself on the bed, "Great. Another opportunity for me to get knocked out".

Ëthia took a deep breath and shook her head.

"But" Felicity began, "I do know the guards switch positions every two hours. I know for a fact that there won't be a gap of time for us to sneak through, but I do know when the weakest guards are going to be put on watch, it'll be our best chance, if any"

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