Ëthia: Chapter 7 ~ A New Friend~

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** I imagine the Air Realm palace to look like this. Very Celestial. Although the scenery would be different. Imagine instead Tall trees every where, rivers running through, people everywhere, something like that**

Felicity was in a cream colored gown, it was loose fitting and had a gold band around her waist. Her silver crown was in the style of vines and the sandals she wore were silver as well.

Felicity reflected on the events that had just occurred in the throne room, she walked quickly and swiftly through the gorgeous marbled hallways to find herself at the back grove.

The back grove consisted of many weeping willow trees that would sway their longs weeping branches back and forth. Some of the leaves were green, others gold, and some a reddish color.

Felicity's dress and hair kept blowing all around as the wind started to pick up, she walked straight into the grove of trees and found the spot she was looking for.

She looked up into the tall weeping trees and saw a little hut that rested in the trees, it was a ways up. She looked around her to make sure no one had followed and she started to airbend.

Slowly she started to ascend into the air, she loved the feeling of just having the wind run across her face and have the world below her get smaller as she got further away from it. She continued to look up at the tree tops and finally found herself level with the little hut that was there in the trees.

She landed on the little porch the was attached to the hut and looked at all the wonderful trees that were surrounding her, she then turned and opened the door to this little greenish hut and went inside.

It was just a one room little hut, a chair sat in the corner and little table as well. A little circle hole in the wall served as a window that had a golden piece of cloth that acted as a curtain.

Felicity went and stood by the window and just looked out of it, not at anything certain, but just looked out.

The events of the throne room still were buzzing in her head, 'What an interesting girl that was' Felicity thought to herself, 'I must see her again, She knows more to this than I do, I'm sure of it'. Felicity continued to think about Ëthia and Jarom and their strange time showing up, she wondered what her father really had in mind, 'He wouldn't just let them stay because she's royalty, I know my father, he is up to something'.

Felicity then went and sat in the chair, she started to braid her long red hair, and crossed her legs. "I must speak to this girl" Felicity told herself out loud.

A few moments passed and Felicity had finished braiding her hair, she sat their in the room and watched the golden piece of cloth on the window get blown back and forth.

"You always did have a way of making a mess and then running away" A voice said.

Felicity wasn't surprised to find who it was, "Well someone has too" She replied.

Her oldest brother walked forward and stood right in front of her, "What's wrong with you?" he questioned, "How dare you embarrass Father and I like that, in front of all those people?"

Felicity didn't answer, she simply played with her hair and looked away from him.

"I don't know what father is going to do to you, but I hope he marks up that face of yours" Her brother commented.

Felicity looked up at him, "Why is it that you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you?"

Her brother looked her straight in the eye, "You were born, that's what".

Felicity took no offense to what he said, she had heard it all before many times, "So you don't really have a reason for hating me, you just would of preferred another brother".

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