Monty (Requested Imagine)

Start from the beginning

He scoffed, "bullshit."

"I'm fine Montgomery, just drop it please."

"You only call me 'Montgomery' when you're pissed off so obviously you're not 'fine'," he muttered.

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to respond.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

Once we got to Bryce's, Monty got out of the car and walked over to me, grabbing my hand as we walked inside.

"You want a drink?" He asked.

I shrugged, "sure."

Monty rolled his eyes at my attitude and walked over to where the drinks were.

Time to find a guy to flirt with I thought to myself.

I looked around and then saw Bryce, Monty's best friend approaching me.

I smirked lightly, perfect.

I glanced over and saw Monty just about ready to walk back over to me with a drink.


I smiled brightly at Bryce, "hey," I said flirtatiously.

Bryce rose an eyebrow, "hey? What's uh going on?"

"That shirt looks really good on you," I complimented. "Have I ever told you that you're pretty good looking?" I asked looking him up and down as I failed miserably at flirting.

I could feel Monty's gaze from afar, burning holes through me. I guess my plan isn't failing as much as I thought.

"Um, thanks?" Bryce responded, still slightly confused but starting to get used to the idea of me flirting with him. "You don't look too bad yourself." He smirked.

I cringed internally, suddenly feeling weird about flirting with someone other than my boyfriend.

Bryce and I started talking more and more as Monty continued to watch this scene play out.

I started giggling, making sure to piss Monty off even more.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away from Bryce, "what the fuck are you doing, Y/N?" I heard Monty's voice boom through the loud music.

I looked up at him and smiled instantly, "nothing Montgomery. I was just having a nice little conversation with Bryce."

"More like flirty with him," Monty spat angrily, pulling me outside of the house and onto the empty lawn out front.

"So you're allowed to flirt with girls in-front of me as if I should be okay with it, but I'm not allowed to have a conversation with your friend?" I laughed harshly.

I stormed down the driveway, away from Monty.

He chased after me down the street, grabbing my arm once again, turning me around to face him, "so that's what this is about?" He questioned. "You were being flirty with my best friend to try and get back at me? That's low Y/N."

My eyes widened, "you think I'm low? I'm your damn girlfriend Montgomery!" I bellowed. "You shouldn't be flirting with other fucking girls! That's low!" At this point words were just spilling out of my mouth. I was pissed and I don't think Monty's ever seen this side of me before but I didn't care. "I'm fucking done going through this every fucking week! Basically everyday for that matter!"

His grip on my arm became lighter and gentler, "I—I don't know what you're saying," he said quietly.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down, "I'm saying that I'm tired of just pretending not to care every time I see you flirting with other girls. I'm tired of feeling like you're not as loyal as you say you are." A tear slipped down my face. "I'm tired of feeling like you don't love me as much as I love you."

Monty looked at me in a way I've never seen him look at me. His eyes were filled with guilt and sorrow.

There was silence for a long time so I just turned around and started walking away down the street once again.

I didn't hear him running up to me, or calling my name.

I really thought he was letting me go like this.

That was until I did hear him running up to me and calling my name.

I turned around once more, and he saw the tears streaming down my face.

He grabbed my by the waist, pulling me against him and wrapping his arms tightly around me, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't even notice I was doing that and making you feel that way," he confessed.

"That's still no excuse," I mumbled.

"I know baby, I know." He placed a kiss on top of my head after I finally wrapped my arms around him. "I love you with all my heart. You're my entire world Y/N, and I don't think I've ever loved someone as much as I love you. I don't think I ever will. I'm so so sorry baby."

I snuggled my face further into his chest, "thank you."

My friend is starting to do stupid shit now and canceled our plans because she was hungover so that's nice.

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