86 - Seperating

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Rajveer's pov

After giving her a glass of water I sat infront of her and waited for her to calm down first. She was sniffing very badly and wasn't even looking at my face. I went to take some tissues from my closet meanwhile I heard two sounds from outside.

" Everything is finished Aleena. Dad found me and I am sure that your dad will reach here at anytime. Where was your damn phone we were trying on that from yesterday . " It was Anjali and I saw her by peeking through my closet door. So these two  girls knows everything . Obviously they are unbreakable best buddies.

" Aleena before situation goes worst you have to leave from this place girl. If you have anything to take then take it " said Jennifer

" They were already here " Aleena mumbled in a weak sound.

" What ? " Both looked so shocked and looked at Aleena.

" Here it was a huge mess. Dad and brother were so angry at me . They wanted to take me back to US. But I didn't go with them. Dad was really angry and said that he will come by tomorrow. I won't go " Said Aleena adamantly.

" What the .. ? Aleena are really in your senses girl ? Can't you see the situation right now ? " Anjali looked so mad and pissed at Aleena's reaction.

" What should I do after going back ? Do you want me to marry Alex and get settled ? Leave that all , what about Rajveer ? What about his kids ? Even though this marriage is a contract I still signed it and it's still valid. How can I break that promise I gave him. Now his kids became a part of my life . If I leave just like that it will break their heart into peices. I already breaked Rajveer's feelings for me. I can only give pain to others "  with much difficulty I stopped her crying after those chaos now she started again by hugging Jennifer.  Also she is aware that she indeed break my heart. All this time I felt that she doesn't care about it.

" Breaching of a contract or want to see this family alive you ? You can decide Aleena.  We can understand your feelings for this family but if you genuinely want to help them then you have to leave this place before Alex found you. I am damn sure that he would have get to know about everything by this time. " Said Anjali while patting her gently on shoulders

" Just think about it Aleena. Instead of your parents if it was Alex who came here first then what should have happened ?   . He won't even give you a second to say anything and next moment  he will blow up this entire house. Do you want to see this family to burn alive ? About Rajveer we can make him understand. For his kids one day they will definately get used to live without you. So Get up Aleena you should leave."  Anjali insisted.

" Alex , Alex , Alex , Alex who is this Alex ? Everyone takes his name and everyone has problems with him. But who is this Alex for her ? " With the thoughts about Alex I opened the door and went to their side. Anjali and Jennifer both were shocked seeing me coming from my walk in closet.

" Before running off from here I think you all need to explain something to me. The moment I met you all and till this time everything came out to be a huge lie . If this goes like this even your existence will become a lie.  "I put a sarcastic smile

" Aleena is not going anywhere from this house and it's my decision. Whatever reason she had I don't want to know. I hope she is not a terrorist or a murderer . Since she is not neither of them I won't leave her " I said firmly

" No , I am leaving " Aleena said quickly . This girl ! Why can't she agree with me atleast for a single decision ?

" I can't stay here anymore . That's better for you " she replied and stood from there  . Walked straight towards  our closet. definitely going to pack her things. I hate it , really hate it when someone walked away while I am talking . I quickly raged towards the closet and shut the door with a thud sound.

Always be mineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon