3 - Job

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" Aleennnnnnnnnn" Jenni rushed into her house by shouting Aleena's name and she seems to be really excited.

" What what what ? Why are screaming like this ? " Anjali came out from the room and enquired.

" Good evening Jenni ,  here have some tea" Aleena came from the kitchen and handed over her black tea to Jennifer.

" Keep it that aside , that's not important now. I have a great news for you girls. " Jennifer said with excitement.

" What news ? " Anjali enquired.

" About your job. You both are really lucky that you guys are going to work for Singania groups. Hip hip hooray " Jennifer jumped from her place in excitement.

" Jenni you stay somewhere first and say everything clearly. How we are going to get that job ? " Aleena doubted.

" My office the famous Singania groups ,   Aleen I think you have heard about them " said Jennifer.

" Singania groups,.......... Oh yaaaa the construction company right I have read about them many times. Wow Jenni you works for them " Aleena opened her eyes widely.

"Yeah I work for Singania groups and now you both are going to work for them . Our company is going to conduct a mass recruitment for freshers and aspirants in different fields. " Jennifer continued

" So ? " Anjali raised one of her eyebrows and asked.

" So ! Huh ..... girls you both can apply and I am cent percent sure that you will definitely get any of one job  in your core feild. As for Aleen she can be in Architectural department and Anji you can work in finance department. What else you need ? You both hold degrees from prestigious universities in the world Aleen  is a rank holder and Anjali you are a gold medalist what else you need ? Girls  we are going to rock " Jenni jumped on the sofa and clapped her hands.

Anjali and Aleena looked at each other with a blank face and then looked at Jennifer.

" What ? Why you guys are not surprised ? It's a good opportunity. " She said with excitement.

" We don't have our certificates with us " said Anjali inbetween Jenni's conversation. A minute of silence and a sudden reaction.

" What ? " Reacted by Jennifer.

" Jenni we told you already when we decided to come here it was an impulse plan. We didn't even get enough time to pack our necessary things then how can we take our degree certificates in that chaos. " Aleena said with a disappointed face.

" I don't even remember where did I kept them " said Anjali.

" Then what should we do now? Without a degree certificate you both are not going to get a job anywhere . Not in any good places. Atleast a photocopy is needed but ... This is a good opportunity. You guys don't know when you will be able to go back to US until you have to survive and don't even have a penny with you " Jennifer showed a bit frustration.

" Jenni .." Aleena tried to say something.

" I am sorry I didn't mean anything it's just. I don't have any problems to take care of you both but you know my condition. Even though I am working at Singania groups I am only just a rookie and my salary is not that much high" Jennifer face seemed really sad

" What ? A rookie ! Jenni you have enough experience for working with a  famous business empire and you are just a rookie at Singania groups? That's insane " Anjali bursted out.

" Yeah and thanks to someone for making my experience certificate not able to show infront of any company. " She looked at Anjali with a forrowed eyebrows and Anjali suddenly put her head down.

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