54 - who for whom ?

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Writer's pov

Night at Rajveer's house, Mumbai.

Time was already midnight. Rajveer was still working on his laptop while resting on his bed.

Aleena dugged her nails into bed tightly in her sleep. She was sweating heavily and seemed so disturbed in her sleep. She was literally having a nightmare.

" Leave...... Leave me ........" Rajveer suddenly noticed her because she was talking while sleeping. He quickly stood from his bed and ran towards her bed side.

" Aleena ...... Aleena ... " He called her many time but she was deeply immersed in her nightmare and he saw her crying while sleeping. Aleena was scratching on her bed wildly with her nails shouting to leave her.

" Aleena open your eyes " Rajveer was hesitant to touch her or hold her at first but since Aleena was behaving so weird he holds her hands to stop digging her nails which can hurt her later. But in her sleep she was not aware that Rajveer was holding her. In her subconscious mind she tried to push Rajveer with her all strength infact she wasn't allowing him to get her near. So he decided to leave her like that. All night till early morning she was disturbed by her nightmares. All Rajveer can do was silently watch her sitting in her bed and not to let her fall on ground .

Usually when she has nightmares Anjali used to hug her tightly until she become calm and back to her sleep. If by mistake she open her eyes and get to know that she is having nightmares again then she can go through depression . It's like that after Aadarsh's death. If she falls to depression stage then it can eventually leads her to attempt suicide .

Morning she seemed so normal and did her daily job as usual. Waking up kids and make them ready to go school. she was getting used with kids works and only problem was with the kids.

On the way to office Rajveer was stealing glance at Aleena where Aleena was busy with something on her laptop.

" Hey .." he tried to divert her attention where Aleena wasn't even looking at him.

" Aleena ...." Again he called her.

" What ? " She responded without looking at him.

" Are you alright ? " That's what he was hesitant to ask from the beginning itself.

" Ofcourse I am fine why did you asked ? " She asked casually.

" Nothing I was just ask..........." Suddenly he put a sudden break because a child crossed right infront of their car. He quickly crossed his left hand across Aleen's chest to block her from hitting her head . The child ran from there but his hands were still on her chest holding one of her boobs.

" Oh that was close " he said .

" Rajveer this.... " Aleen eye signed him to take off his hands on her.

" I .. I am so sorry I didn't " he quickly removed his hands and get back to drive without a word. Till office inside the car it was filled with a weird silence and awkward feeling.

Writer's pov

" So who is this girl ? " Rishabh , Rahul's step brother was looking at a photo which one of his man showed . It was a photo of Rahul and the fake Anajli.

" Information that I got is not really good for us " his manager replied.

" What is it ? " Rishabh was curious to know.

" Have you heard about Raheja groups " his manager asked.

" What kind of question is that ? Ofcourse I have heard about them . Last time we wanted to buy one of their resort but we couldn't " said Rishabh

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