26 - New wife

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Divya , Rajveer's ex wife an ambitious women who became greedy due to that ambition. Rajveer fell for her because of her ambitious nature. He married her even after getting  disapproval from his parents because for him his love for her was much more than anything. Singania groups were in the verge of destruction during the time when she gave birth to her kids. Her ambition was to become a top model which wasn't working out because of many  reasons so when she got the proposal from Rajveer she left her carrier behind and married him because the family name Singania was something big that time.

But after marriage  she got a great opportunity to replenish her carrier when she was pregnant for seven months ans at that stage she couldn't even  abort her kids. Rajveer and Divya fought with each other about this matter but when it comes to kids his family didn't support her because those kids were hires of coming Singania generation.

Singania groups was falling into a deep pit and she doesn't see any future in them so she choose her carrier over her own husband and kids ,  left them without any mercy and flee to Paris. Years passed first few months were really successful for Divya despite of the fact that she is a mother's of two kids and she was only in her middle twenties but everything went upside down and  she couldn't place her name there and left with nothing neither money or fame.

Divya was waiting at a cafe for someone and after some time a man in his middle forties approached her.

" Did you meet with the kids ? How they reacted ? " He  was her lawyer who she kept for the custody case of her kids .

" Kids are not a problem now. They were really happy after meeting me even though I never took care of them. They became so friendly and attached to me very quickly. I think Rajveer doesn't treat them well may be he is letting out his all frustrating  on kids which he felts on me. Such a ... " She huffed and took her coffee mug.

" Ok that's what we need ? Kids are our ace card. You don't even have a positive point to defend yourself explaining why you leave  two small kids just for your carrier . So who seemed  most softest to you ? " He asked

" The boy vihan seemed little soft but that girl Ahana was persistent just like her dad. I don't think so proceeding with Ahana is a good choice. " She replied.

" If it isn't the girl you won't get any benefits from this custody case moreover it will become a headache. " Said the lawyer.

" I don't get that logic why we need the girl ? " She asked with her knitted eyebrows.

" Eventhough everything is your fault the court will be more gentle towards mother  , even more gentle towards girl child and mother. " He replied.

" Rajveer is filthy rich  , I shouldn't have left him. By this time Rajveer should have warned the kids not to meet me and I am sure that from tomorrow onwards he will double the security for kids. " She said annoyingly.

" Then let him do that that's good for us . At this age kids really need their mother even though we shower them with anything mother's love and care is different. If the kids are warned by Rajveer not to meet their mother they will definitely began to hate him which is good for us as.  You said the girl is tough right ? So  its easy to manipulate her. Ahana being on our side is really important " said the lawyer.

" Why ? "

" If you get the custody of Ahana then Rajveer have to pay for all her expenses till she becomes an adult and if he wants to do anything further he can do that like helping for her marriage, higher studies or something. That means who is going to get the benefits from that ? You only  . If it's vihan there won't be that option unless you claim for one but it can affect our case negatively his lawyer may defend that you are aiming for money which is a  true fact" he chuckled at her.

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