68 - Mystery

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Rahul's pov

The day she came to say that she is pregnant with my child for a second some kind of happiness pop up inside my heart. Like I was waiting to hear such a good news. But that happiness didn't lasted for more than a second.

That arrogant , cunning Rahul the devil appeared inside me and filled my mind with many questions.
What ? How can she get pregnant ? I have definitely give her contraceptive pills in the morning itself then how comes she became pregnant now ?
Anjali wasn't even aware that I had put those pills in the milk glass and from what maid said she completed her breakfast .
No she is definitely lying inorder to trap me . All these thoughts were eating me . Only some where deep inside my heart I barely heard a sound telling me to believe her . But I didn't,  I believe firmly that she is lying.

But when she challenged and warned me there will be surprise for me I was dead . I was nervous thinking that what if she stirr up everything with media ? . To my surprise she didn't do anything like that but she really came with a surprise. She wanted her baby's right completely . Why won't I sign , that instant itself I signed and make Anjali a closed chapter. But again everything got stirred up and now it's proved that baby in her womb is really my blood . Junior Rahul Singhania or may be a junior Anjali. I felt so good and happy all inside out. A cold Shiver was always passing through my spine whenever I think about baby. How will it looks like ? What all things my baby do ? Who will he take after ? What will be his  dreams.? What all things my baby likes ? I will show him this whole world and will give everything that my baby needs. But Anjali won't allow me to take a look at the baby . I know how stubborn she is and on top of that I insulted and break her heart like a devil.

After sometime Anjali opened her eyes and she was perfectly fine. But her full concern was about  baby. It was a great chance for me to watch my baby through sonography but for Anjali I wasn't anyone who she related so  she doesn't allowed me to stay inside the room. I hope my baby is safe and healthy.

While I was waiting outside I saw Arjun coming to hospital with all concern. I never understand this guy why he is roaming around Anjali ?  Actually it's not just Anjali he is so close to this trio girls . Do they know eachother before ?

Anjali got discharged evening itself. Karan and me together went to drop Anjali and Jennifer at their house. Anjali was adamant that she doesn't wanted to come with me but Jennifer tried to make her agree.

Is this can be called a house ? And what about this place ? Such a filthy place. I have read that Mumbai has the biggest slum but is this place that so called slum ? Car doesn't even enter into their alley so till their house we walked. House was more ridiculous than that . My whole room is called their whole house and a congested room with a hard rock bed. This is where she is staying all this while ? This where she is going to stay with my baby inside her womb. In this unhygienic place. After sometime Karan and me left from there.

" Is that a house Karan ? " I was so annoyed and I went out that anger on Karan.

" I know what you mean but in Mumbai half of people are struggling like this. Actually comparing with others they got a good place " said Karan.

" Karan are you joking ? " I looked at Karan with a serious look.

" I don't want Anjali to stay there . Do anything and find any other good place for them immediately. " I ordered.

" Rahul , what happened to you ? Before some days you wanted Anjali to vanish from your side and now you want her to be safe and secure . Why ? " Karan asked and I was silent but he insisted. This time it wasn't my manager Karan who was standing infront of me but my best friend.

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