48 - Betrayal

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" since my valuable reader's are eagerly waiting for next chapter I decided to post it today itself.
Enjoy , like , comment and let out your opinion"

Anjali's pov

Time was already past ten . I caught a taxi and went straight to office. I was so happy at the same time I was little embarrassed. How I am  going to face him? it's still a fact that he is my boss and what if he tease me with this ? I was walking towards elevator with all these stupid things came into my mind.

" Anjali " I heard someone calling me and turned to take a look. It was Aleena.

" Aleen what's with those huge dark circles under your eyes . What you were doing all night ?" I was surprised to see that huge dark circles under her eyes.

" Don't even ask me . Yesterday I went to visit Rajveer's  grandparents. I didn't even got a chance to wink my eyes because I was busy hearing their family history. His grandfather he is an ex military and his grandmother she is freedom fighter or something. When one stops other will start immediately and my  so called husband was sleeping like a dead body  where I was wishing to close my eyes even for a second. " Poor Aleen she is really suffering from this marriage. 

" Wait a minute . Isn't it your dress from 2016 gala collections right ? I remember we together went to buy this . But when did you bring this from US . I didn't saw anything with you other than a hand bag. " she looked so puzzled.

" It was with me may be you didn't noticed . Ok Aleen I am leaving " I ran from her side before she shower me with questions.

Waiting for Rahul at my desk he came to our floor with some of our  department managers. Karan and his body gaurds stood outside his cabin . May be they are here to discuss about their new project.

I went to  cabin with his coffee and they were immersed in a serious discussion . I put the coffee mug on table and passed a smile at Rahul but he doesn't even looked at me instead there was a serious expression on his face. But before I was leaving his he took a glance at me but not met with my eyes.

Meeting went for hours and once it  ends  he called me to his cabin.

" Sir may I " I entered after taking permission. He was scanning me from from top to bottom. What is he doing ?

" Who told you touch that dress without my permission " he was so serious and angry at me which makes me uncomfortable.

" I ..... Actually I don't had anything to wear . So .... "

" So  you did as you wish. Don't you have any basic manners that before using someone's else dress you have to ask permission  " he was yelling at me just for a dress.

" I .... " What to say ? How will I explain ? Partially it's mistake .

" Whatever  I need this back without any mark on it  Understood " I was startled by this sudden change of behaviour. Why he is like this ? Yesterday we were so lovely dovey and today he is so mean to me.
I agreed to give the dress back and head back to my desk.

For rest of day he doesn't even called me for any work.  When I went to give him snacks he doesn't allowed me to enter into the cabin.  He was deliberately avoiding me . After office time I went to talk with him but watching me approaching towards his car he left immediately . He doesn't even stopped the car  after seeing me running behind his car . I wanted to  cry . I just wanted to talk to him atleast for once.

When I reached home Jennifer was already there after coming back from her hometown.

" Hai Anji , how does it went without me ? "  Jennifer came to my side and asked.  I was lying on bed just after coming back from office.

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