"This is my last time seeing you for a while too!" I exclaimed, only to be hushed by the other two.

"We had some pretty good quality time today, too," pointed out Kannon. "Although I'm not sure a break up was what I had in mind."

We both laughed as Sasuke raised an eyebrow, saying, "Excuse me?"

"Oh, alright," I sighed, not able to stay mad. "Okay, fine. So what do you want us to do? Come tomorrow night so we can stay with our kids, and then leave them for you to look after on Sunday night?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And your thoughts?" I asked, looking at Sasuke with a straight face.

"I don't mind. I want to."

"Sorted!" cheered Kannon, clasping her hands together. "So, Gaara said he'd send a car tomorrow morning for you two, but I'm not sure if you want the chauffeur or not, so-"

"We don't need one. I'll drive." I blanched at Sasuke's words, and said, "Just because you can drive in Konoha, it doesn't mean you can here..."

"I don't care," shot back the Uchiha, looking towards Kannon. "Tell Gaara to tell whoever's bringing the car to find their own way back. They can pick up the car on Monday."

"Will do!"

I groaned and buried my face in my hands at Sasuke's hardheadedness, hoping that what we did tomorrow wouldn't be illegal.


"Say bye, Ayumi!"

"Bye, Ayumi!"

I laughed as Ayumi mimicked Kannon, who was flanked by Naruto clutching onto Shisui and bouncing on the spot in an attempt to keep the baby appeased.

"We'll see you tonight," I said, kissing Ayumi before moving onto Shisui. "Okay?"


"Look after them, idiot," scowled Sasuke at Naruto, who grinned brightly at his longtime friend.

"Of course!"

As expected, our car awaited us outside, with the chauffeur quickly stepping out upon seeing Sasuke and I approaching.

"Here are your keys," said the young man quickly, handing them over to Sasuke. "I'll be taking my leave now. Excuse me."

With that, he headed to the car that was parked behind our one, leaving Sasuke and I to get in.

"So, what's our plan for today?" I asked after we had both buckled our seatbelts.

"I have no idea."

"... right."

As Sasuke started the car and pulled away from the kerb, he sighed and said, "Okay, that's a lie, but if you don't want to do what I had in mind, then that's fine."

"No, I'll do it!" I insisted, wondering what the Uchiha had planned for today. "Go on, tell me!"

"I wanted... to try out, you know, normal things. That couples do," he admitted sheepishly, his look of worry immediately replaced by one of annoyance at himself. "A bunch of normal dates. A breakfast date. Movie date. Walk in the park date... even though it's cold. Go around and sight-see date. Lunch date. Dinner date. All that average stuff for us to do, today and tomorrow. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything... fun."

"No!" I said softly, looking at him with a bright smile. "Actually, I'd quite like that too. A bunch of real dates! Rather than babysitting dates, or pillow talk dates. And I am quite hungry, so a breakfast date is definitely the way to start off our day!"

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 | sasuke uchihaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz