"She's taken Sasuke's words on board, and is already planning on when to move on to Konoha," informed the Uzumaki, albeit with a frown. "Possibly next month. And... there's another thing."

"What is it?"

"The chakra," he said, pushing the teat of Shisui's bottle back into his mouth. "Since Fugaku's already taken a portion of it to strengthen himself, she's in talks about the Kazekage about doing the same for others."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Just so that we have more people who would be able to take on Fugaku if need be," continued the Uzumaki. "And I hope you don't take offense, Tera, but you probably won't be getting any of it back."

"Hey, I don't mind. That chakra did more bad than good for me. Have they already thought about suitable candidates?"

"Actually... yeah," said Naruto sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "They've shortlisted a few people already, but I don't know..."

"Naruto, you can't just say you know and then not know," shot back Kannon, as eager as I was to get the news out of him. "Tell us. Who's Tsunade considering to carry the rest of the chakra?"

"She wants people she can trust. They considered resealing it all within one person, but they decided that it was too risky in case that person ended up becoming Sora 2.0. So, we're looking at a few people to share it."

"Who are...?"

With a sigh of defeat, Naruto finally caved in.

"She was going to bring it up later when Tera was properly healed, but right now she's looking at me, Gaara, and duckbutt!"

My jaw dropped at the mention of Sasuke, and I looked towards Kannon in disbelief.

"What?! Why Sasuke?! I thought she didn't trust him?!"

At the stove, Sasuke remained silent.

"I don't know!" cried out Naruto, instantly regretting saying anything. "Okay, maybe I do know! But-"

"Does she expect me to kill my father?"

Silence blanketed the room as Sasuke spoke, immediately dampening the mood.


Naruto sighed.

"She chose Gaara, as a way to repay the Sand village for all their help, me because I'm young and apparently too thickheaded to ally with the Uchiha, and Sasuke, because she wants to test his loyalty."

"Okay, maybe we can talk to Tsunade about it later, when she officially decides to let us know," I said hopefully, not wanting to burden Sasuke any further. "Look, she'll probably change her mind about it later on, but..."

"I don't need extra chakra to kill my father. I can do it myself."

Noticing how Sasuke had quickly reverted back to his cold self, I stood up before things could get any darker.

"Riiiiiiiiight, dinner! Sasuke, do you need help setting the table?"

"Yes. But not from you."

"I'll do it," volunteered Naruto, getting to his feet and placing Shisui in his mobile crib. "And I'll heat up Ayumi's food while we're at it."

"You feed Ayumi, and I'll feed the other baby over there," smirked Sasuke, glancing at me over his shoulder.

"Very funny!" I scowled, embarrassed because I knew that I couldn't eat without assistance. Yeah, not being able to use your arms is very difficult.

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