Holy shi-

"KOOKIEEEEEEEE!!!!" He screamed and immediately hug me. Wha-what? Why is he screaming? What? I am so confused? Whattt???

"I LOVE YOU TOO YOU BIG BUNNY!" He screamed and kiss my cheeks which made me blush.

"R-R-R-Really? Y-You love me t-t-too?" I said and he nodded.

And you can't imagine how happy I am right now.

"T-Then T-T-Then-"

"Kookie, relax and try to speak without suttering, I know it's been a while since you stop talking but I just want you to know that I'm here for you okay?" He said, smiling softly while rubbing my shoulder.

I nodded and took a deep breath.

C'mon Jungkook be a man! You are not the 16 year-old boy anymore! You need to man up and suck a dick- oh that's too far.

"Ehem kookie?"

I open my eyes and peck his lips.

And then close my eyes again.

Do it for Jiminie hyung, Hoseok hyung, Namjoon hyung, Seokjin hyung, Taehyung hyung and.....


And yoongi hyung too.

I open my eyes and look at him. He smile and said "Do you still need time kookie? It's okay you don't need to talk right now, I can wait-"

I lean in and kiss him. He flinch a little but soon relax into the kiss. I smile cupping his cheeks and place my hands on his waist while Jiminie hyung wrapped his arms on my neck.

Oh god he's such a good kisser. I pick the right man.

We pull away and put our forehead together.

"Jiminie hyung"


I grin and said

"Jiminie hyung is a shortie"

And the whole day, I was met with a very angry mochi.



Time skip
"Kookie~ breakfast is ready~" Jin hyung said. I groan. "Only Jiminie hyung can say that!"

Jin hyung scoff and cross his arms.
"Well Jiminie hyung~ is not here right now so GET UP!!". I pout and went downstairs, ignoring Jin hyung and the others.

Where is he? Is he in the gym? Did he eat breakfast? Oh god what if something bad happen to him?! Oh god oh god oh god-


I stop eating and look at my phone.

[ Text ]
Hey kookie! Don't worry about me! I was at the airport today :)

I sigh in relief. Wait...why is he at the airport?

I widen my eyes.

No it can't be....

[ Text ]
Kookie don't be mad but....Yoongi hyung is coming....

"ANDWAEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I scream so loud, everyone was covering their ears.

"YAH! What is wrong with YOU?! Can't you just eat like a normal human instead of looking like a goat?!" Jin hyung said, obviously annoyed.

I pout and there were some tears in my eyes. "H-Hyungs....Yoongi hyung is coming..."

Jikook Stories 2 [Completed] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now