
86 3 5

Hey kittens


This episode, um, very becho centric. I have to be honest, not my favorite episode and I'm honestly at this point upset with the whole becho relationship. It's pissing my off and it needs to stop.

This will be a very short review, Im going to cut this into 3 parts, okay? Okay. let's just get right into this.

The first part I will talk about is Murphy and Emori.

We got a little insight of what happened during there relationship. So Emori was the one to call it off with Murphy because he kept pushing her away all the time. It turned out it was about he was jeleous of raven and Emori relationship. He thought she didn't need him anymore.

They did rekindle their relationship (even though they might not admit it) when they had sex but was rudely interrupted.

The second part I will talk about is
Clarke and her sweet child Madi. This relationship is what got me through this whole episode. They were just so pure. Madi fangirling over every little thing Octavia did was awesome. I love how Madi didn't want to lie to Octavia but knew they had to to keep Madi safe. I was so happy seeing Niylah but knowing she's all for the whole "You are wonkru or the enemy of wonkru" made me nervous. I want to understand more. Gaia figuring out Madi is actually a night blood, Clarke needs to kill her. I do think clarke is going to do everything she can to make sure Madi is safe...Even if it causes some of her people death. I wanna see the dynamic between clarke and bellamy and how they will clash.

Clarke saying goodbye to Madi in a way by saying if anything happens to her she should look for Abby made me tear up, Clarke honestly loves her and will protect this child (my sister told me they might kill Madi off, if that is true, I will fucking riot if they touch her)

At the end, Madi becoming wonkru and telling octavia about her nightblood was no surprise because even though clarke wants to protect her child, Madi also wants to protect clarke so her telling octavia because she doesn't want her to die if charmaine sees her was everything, but octavia knows everything now and will protect her. Clarke does not look so happy.

The last part; Becho + Blakes

Dissapointed, honestly. I don't understand how we all wanted WAITED for bellamy to go off on octavia, finally sticking up for himself and it was all for echo? UM excuse me. I didn't need to see Bellamy for ONCE in his lifetime sticking to his sister for ECHO. I didn't sign up for that shit. I'm so angry because this episode was so becho centric that didn't really make sense.

Okay we hear bellamy say she changed, cool. I need proof, sorry but Bellamy saying she changed doesn't change my point of view on how I see Echo, to me she will always be a traitor, murderer.

I hate how the Blakes are fighting once again, for echo this time. It doesn't make sense for bellamy to be with echo. I know if some guy tried to kill my sister, I wouldn't date his ass. I don't understand how bellamy can do it. He could've been with anyone.

She might have changed, but the viewers didn't see it, you can't except us to go on through the episode without being pissed when there is no follow story of echo redemption.

Don't even get me started on how Monty hugged echo, excuse me but where the hell is monty, harper reunion with clarke? That's the shit I wanna see. I'm so pissed by how they treated clarke this episode. The people she cared about the most don't even give two shits about her.

Not to mention the whole "not without echo" "if echo leaves, so do i" BULLSHIT.

"That's not my sister"


I couldn't even sit right watching the whole becho sex scene, very unnecessary, how do they even find the time.


May We Meet Again

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