Bellarke Nonsense

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Hey, Kittens 🐱

It's been long since I've been on here. How are all my precious Kittens doing? Not getting into trouble are we? How's your summer going? That is if you have summer...or school? I don't know... lol.

So, I'm back again.

Sorry for not posting much. I haven't been on Wattpad lately and that's seriously something serious because I'm usually ALWAYS on. I guess we have to blame BTS and ONE FUCKING DIRECTION. Honestly, We love harry is trending and it's so beautiful. I love this fandom so much. It's great tho to be out of the whole drama and since I've tried to be clear way on that, they just seem to follow me. I hate drama but also its intense. I LOVE it.

So, I'm on twitter, looking through my feeds and of course, I see some bellarkes(Alot actually) about how some people feel like Bellarke is going to be forced This season and I'm here like WTF ARE YOU STUPID

First, How the hell are they going to be forced if bellarke was already going to happen since season 1.

Secondly, Bellarke is honestly the HEART of the show

Everyone waited for SOO long for bellarke to happen. I don't think they will force a relationship that they already have been starting a connection with them. Bellarke is starting from a slow like a SLOW MOTHER FUCKING BURN and seriously it's about time that it happens.

I'm not saying that I want bellarke to happen like right from season 4 episode 1 because that would've been nice...if Clarke and Bellamy didn't lose someone they love. I think it would've been a great built but we all want bellarke to happen in a nice way,

Don't get me wrong, I want bellarke to happen just as badly as everyone else and yes, people want bellarke to happen passionately when I'M OVER HERE SCREAMING ABOUT HOW I WANT MY ENDGAME COUPLE TO BE DESIRE, LIKE THEY WANT AND NEED EACH OTHER. Yes, Passionately bellarke would be fucking amazing, but the rush the fandom would have if in a episode Clarke will just run up to bellamy and quickly kiss him as the passion heats up. You know. I would fall off my chair and hit my face against the ground of that ever happen.

I went a little of tracked. But what I'm saying is, Bellarke isn't being forced. I don't think the writers would be that desperate for views and if they do happen, It will definitely not be forced it will be magical and THAT, I CAN PROMISE YOU because if your a clexa fan, don't lie to yourself you know that bellarke has chemistry and there bond and love for each other will only increase more, like they did in season 3.

That's all I got to say.

Goodnight (It's 3:18 Am) I wanted to write this before I went to bed.

All the love, 💕

Xoxo, 😙

- Amanda 💚

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