4×06 Review

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Hello Kittens

Let's just get to the review.

" The Darkness can kiss my worthless ass"

The episode starts with aftermath of arkadia, I think mostly everyone made it out alive, I'm actually surprised Jasper made it out alive considering arkadia was burning down...I just thought he wanted to die...or maybe someone pulled him out. I will never know.

So Jasper and Jaha suddenly start talking and Jasper quotes Dr. Seuss. As much as I want Jasper to not be so annoying,  I don't want him to die...although I do think about them killing him off but I can't...Jasper is my child and I don't want him to die...I want him to survive.

The sky people are angry because Ilian basically caused everyone's death and yeah I agree but 1 he didn't know about primfaya & 2, c'mon guys, he killed his family because allie told him to do it. Just give him a break. I'm  actually not on great terms with Ilian but I actually kinda, sorta like him, he isn't my favorite at the moment though.

The sky people finds Ilian and they start to beat him, I'm litterally screaming because he doesn't derseve this, even though he got his ass in this whole mess. Marcus comes and saves the day. So he's the one who is protecting Ilian, he takes out the gun and he says he will shoot them if they come near this man.....Okay,  calm down Marcus. You won't actually kill your people...would you?

Raven is working on how to survive the crash back, when she and Abby gets on the ship together. So Raven is definitely worked out but she's so determined to figure it out but Murphy isn't quite helping her, he is leaving snarky comments.

You see the picture Clarke drawed of Lexa😒 and right next to her you see niylah.

So obviously they had sex

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So obviously they had sex...I'm not trying to be rude but if Clarke "Loved" Lexa why is she having sex with niylah? It's like Finn death all over again!

Niylah mentions Lexa but to be honest, I kinda blocked it out. I think they said something about how Lexa would be proud? Idk. Sorry. Clarke asked niylah to stay, to have her room until she comes back.

Clarke talks about how the ark wasn't going to save everyone so, they are now relying on Raven. Roan is now working together with arkadia to go get some fuel for Raven that she needs.

Clarke and Marcus have a small moment. He wants to go with her but she said to stay that there people that need him. Clarke and Marcus also hug. It was such a sweet moment, so heartwarming.

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