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Hey Kittens

by the title, i didn't mention Becho, but you can already tell what this chapter will be other then Bechoke, themselves. 

if you haven't seen my rant on Tuesday night on the 100, you should read it or not, i'm just going to say pretty much everything i said on last rant, on this one. 

you have no idea how annoyed i am right now, it took me awhile to comprehend the whole Bellamy and Echo relationship and although i already had an idea, i just can't accept it. it was no surprise to me that Bellamy and Echo are together.  everyone had some sort of way of knowing this was going to happen and yet while we prepared ourselves for this, we lost it. 

i think i wrote a chapter on how bellamy and Echo can't get together, and for this chapter, I'm bring that back into the light. 

It just doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense on how Bellamy, who lost almost everyone to this girl, echo. think about this, would you be with someone who had something to do with your girlfriends death? obviously not. would you be with someone who tried to kill your sister, not once but twice? does that make sense? of course not.

now, i'm not be bias here because i ship Bellarke but let's not forget Echo tried to kill Clarke twice, once when she was trying to help roan and Bellamy is all like "let her go echo" and the second time when Echo was going to kill Clarke in front of Bellamy, Abby, Octavia...but Roan saved her life? Echo isn't a good person, I'm sorry but that's the hard truth. 

okay, yeah they are in space, took Bellamy 3 years to forgive Echo? okay, but the writers completely fucked his character up again, Bellamy wouldn't forgive echo, heck date her right after, that is not his character, he won't just forget everything she did. do you really think echo will change? she is probably going to betray him because believe it or not, echo people are not skikru but ice nation, and ice nation is still in the bunker. she will probably do something that will cause them to break up, Bellamy seriously foreshadow everything the first episode, Octavia wont be okay with this new relationship, and Bellamy thinking she will is out of character, it's like he doesn't remember his sister at all, and Clarke will also be apart of this as well. 

i just don't see Bellamy and echo a thing, it's ridiculous. 

sorry not sorry

may we meet again.

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