Happy Valentine's Day! + Ep. 3 Promo

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Hi, kittens🐱

Today is Valentine's day! And I just want to wish everyone a great day before I passes away. I hope you spend your day with your loved ones; loved ones doesn't necessarily mean 'dating'. You can spend time with anyone whom you love like Mother, Father, sisters, friends, anyone even your pets. You're all my valentines today! I love you all, from a Bellaire shipper to my Bellarke, Linctavia, Kabby, briller, Monper, and my Clexas😘💕

Let's also talk about Ep 3, Promo

So, clearly a lot is going to happen that my brain won't be able to process by the looks of it.

What I do see and know is; we will get a 2.0 Bellarke Day trip which I'm actually excited about.

Queen Luna is back which I'm actually excited because last season we didn't see much about her.

Radiation is just around the corner making Luna appearance.

They only have 2 months to survive now.

Jaha seems to know a solution, Jaha knows a bunker and can maybe save everyone?

It just seems intense, I'm Excited.

Love you all

Tomorrow 100 day!

All the love,


May We Meet Again

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