Jasper, MONTY, Harper

97 10 1

Hey Kittens

Okay, I admit it I excepted Jasper not to go into the bunker and okay...maybe Harper because of what happened with the black rain but MONTY???

My child!

I refuse to loose him. We cannot lose him, HECK WE CAN'T LOSE JASPER OR HARPER EITHER!

I know it's the 100 and obviously some of our favorites will die but I didn't sign up for this! I refuse to let go of Monty!

I grown to love him even more! I can't let him go!

I know Monty won't die, but him staying sucks.

I guess it's reasonable considering everyone that Monty loves died.

Like his mom hannah and his father...now he is planning to lose his BEST FRIEND and GIRLFRIEND???

I want to hug Monty!

May we meet again.

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