Day 5- Favourite Delinquent

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Hey, Kittens 🐱

Day 5- Favourite Delinquent

Answer: Raven

Why? Raven always has a special place to my heart, the amount of badass and sass that that girl has is incredible. The amount of pain she goes through every single day is strength. She has the most strength if anyone could ever have. She might not fight in the field but she helps with whatever she can and she doesn't take no for an answer. She's devoted to her team and they are so lucky to have such a strong person who doesn't give up.

Raven may be in pain in half of the episode but she's amazing, she has such a big heart and she had so many people who are important to her die and yet, she fights through all of that and uses that strength to get everything done.

Raven is the definition of strength. That girl has been through everything, if not the most.

All the love, 💕
Xoxo, Kisses 😙
- Amanda 💚

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