Wizard World

120 13 1

Hey Kittens

So Bob won't be attending the panel for wizard world because he is sick! He is really disappointed that he couldn't make it so EVERYONE STOP MAKING SUCH A BIG FIT OF THIS! IT'S NOT LIKE HE WANTED TO GET SICK!!!!

It's pissing me off that everyone thinks that he is faking this because he always cancels...um excuse me. Bob can't control if he gets sick or not, stop being so pressed and instead make some soup and hope Bob makes a fast recovery.

Stop saying he hates Eliza. He doesn't hate Eliza, they are really close friends who love and respect each other. All these accusation of Bob not being able to make the con is stupid and ridiculous.

As for Eliza, I will be writing the questions that people ask her but that would be in a separate rant

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As for Eliza, I will be writing the questions that people ask her but that would be in a separate rant.

Please be respectful and give Bob all the love.

May we meet again.

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