Top 10 NOTP

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Hey Kittens

It's been awhile since I actually had the time to post on this. I deleted the app for awhile so that's one of the main reasons as to why I haven't posted but I'm back, and ready, hopefully back to writing this rant book.

I missed you all so much. I CAN'T believe it's been forever since I've posted. I will post the rest of the ceremony tomorrow, I still have to write it and tally everything up but it will be up tomorrow. Now, onto why I'm writing this.

I wrote on my other rant book my least favourite ship, so since its 2017 and my opinion obviously often change...some continue to stay the same...might aswell tell you my NOTP!

So, this is my top ten!

10. Nathan and Peyton

They didn't really click. They were completely opposites but just didn't my opinion.

9. Kamille (don't care if I spelled it wrong)

It's simple. I'm a Klaroline shipper, the only ship I hope doesn't let me down. I want Klaus to be happy, after everything he's been through...he deserves to be happy and with hope. Okay? Okay.

8. Clace

I don't like any ship besides Malec...i did like sizzy...kinda stopped watching it.

7. Stalia

They cute but they're not stydia. ALSO...ENDGAME BITCHES! Scott and Malia cute tho.

6. Scott & Arden cho (I forgot her name...oops)

I just don't like them...tbh...ugh!

5. Caroline & Damon


4. Niylah & Clarke


3. Clarke & Lexa


2. Delena

Ugh! Don't hate me. Still forever bitter about stelena and Stefan Salvatore but apparently Julie fucking plec hates and doesn't wish to see me happy. What can I do?!

1. These are not in order at all👆 but this is (in my opinion) my least favourite. WESTALLEN!

Ugh! I hate them! The show is completely revolving around Iris who isn't even that important of a character. She is just a love interest. Stopped watching the show. The writers need to step up on the show because instead of "The flash" it's Basically "IRIS West" which is awful.

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