SDCC panel

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Hey Kittens

SDCC panel recently just happened and I absolutely love the fact that Bob and Eliza were seated next to each other. We didn't get much from them but that's okay. It's not much Compare to the other actors but I'm not complaining. This was good

So the people at the panel was Jason, Eliza, Bob, Marie, Richard, Lindsey, Christopher and Tasya and a co-producer Dean.

Anyways, I saw the video so I'm going to talk about the panel and some questions. These will be in order considering I'm watching the panel as of right now.

"In the beginning, there was 100"
"-101, counting bellamy"

Don't you just love Bellarke. Clarke not disturbing anything during the story but had to say "101, counting bellamy. " I love ships. Nuff said.

Jason talked about how he wanted to do the time jump and how he took in consideration about how the cast didn't want to wear mask hat suits.

The prisoners ship are from Earth. They are from the first apocalypse which is a spoiler he gave us. They were in Hyper sleep for 100 years.

Madi is not Clarke biological daughter.

Eliza is happy to know that she will play someone that is kinda her age. She is excited. She also said she is excited to take care of the little nightblood.

Bob said Bellamy has taken the advice of the head and the heart from what he has been told (which is not much)

Marie thinks Octavia doesn't have a clue in what she's doing but she doesn't want to set off the chaos with the 12 hundred people in the bunker. She also mentioned that they do not want to let go of the previous animosity that they have for one and another. 

Marie mentioned that in Season 5 you'll see in fact what Octavia plan is to keep the peace and how she reprimands others in her own special way that's not deploy.

Lindsey says that raven is so special because she is so smart and that she feels that she is a key ingredients in the 100 mix and their survival. She also said even though Raven is so smart, her heart weighs on her alot. Lindsey also mentioned that they only reason why everyone is in space is because of her and she's right!

She also mentioned that she thinks Raven has a lot of responsibility for everyone's well-being to be saved and that's why her taking everyone to space was important to her and now in space it's alot for her to make sure that everyone's survivable and hoping everyone gets back down to earth once it's habitable again.

There was a small Murphy and Lindsey moment and a Murphy and Chris moment

Richard believes that Murphy will change 100% because he thinks all them has to change because of the whole six year jump. Richard said that  Murphy will change because he's so good in kind of a pressure cooker situation and thriving with his life every single day. He also said that he is curious to see now that he has nothing to kinda fight for against, can he really just be part of a happy family. So he curious to see how that goes.

Chris said that he thinks Harper is monty's main lifeline at the current moment and has been for six years. He also said that if he has lost Harper aswell he believes he wouldn't have made it out of Arcadia. Chris hopes that they are still together and if they are not he hopes at least he gave it everything they had because he thinks they derseve that. He also joked about how maybe Monty and Murphy might be together now.

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