Becho Vs Rellamy

209 16 17

Hey Kittens

6 years???

Lots of things can happen in six years.

Things we may not like could happen.

We all know Bellamy loves Clarke! It's evident, written all over his face.

But since he thinks Clarke is dead and Clarke thinks Bellamy is dead...damn😢😢😭😭 Bellamy will most likely be in a relationship.

Since Emori is with Murphy and Monty is with Harper that only leaves Echo😒 and Raven😁

Now, usually I would say I would rather have Raven be with Bellamy but not this time. I rather have echo date Bellamy. 

1, Echo will eventually die...she's a guest star.

2, (THE MAIN REASON) we all know Clarke is alive and we know Bellamy Is alive. Personally I believe Raven and Bellamy will be cute together but I know Bellamy will drop anyone for Clarke because he loves her and if Raven dates Bellamy that would be another guy who drops Raven for Clarke and I don't want that to happen. I love Raven too much too see her hurt. I rather have echo date bellamy because we know it won't last that long 

So if I have to pick between Becho or Rellamy? It would be Becho in a heartbeat.

What do you think?

May we meet again

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