CD-Clarke Griffin

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Hey Kittens

Clarke always took the role as the leader and although there was so much pressure on her, people counting on her, all she tried to do was protect her people, making sure everyone can survive without war. I always admired Clarke strength in the series because she tries so hard but they just give her a hard time.

I want to say her Character Development changed...but personally for me, she changed a little. She still is in charge, she still has the role as the leader but her actions are the same, protecting her people, and then it changed...she wanted everyone to survive meaning the grounders aswell but you clearly saw how that ended in season 4 when she took the bunker...not giving much faith in Octavia but again...she did it for her people. Clarke priority is always her people.

That's why I say her Character Development hasn't can agree or disagree but I'm excited for season 5 because I feel like that will be a development changer for her because now she's focusing her Madi, who's like a daughter to her.

Can it be season 5 already?

May we meet again.

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