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Hey Kittens

So to continue on with this rant book, I thought I might as well keep this story going until the 100 Season 5 goes back on. I won't be updating everyday only some days.

So, to start this off, I thought why not play a game.

We already played this before, but in a different way.

I actually found this game on Twitter, you can add me. my @ is Frostybellarke

So this is the game; please play along

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So this is the game; please play along. 

Choose your favourite:

Chancellor: Abby , Jaha , Kane , Pike

This is easy, my favourite chancellor is Marcus!

Clan: Azgeda , Floukru , Skaikru , Trikru

What? I can't pick! Like I do like Trikru mostly because of Indra and Lincoln😢 and I fucking love Skaikru and Floukru.

Dead Character: Anya , Finn, Jasper, ilian, Lexa, Lincoln, Luna, Roan, Sinclair

So Jasper Obviously, Lincoln and Roan❤

Heda: Lexa , Octavia

I'm going to get hate...

OCTAVIA BLAKE! She can be a great Heda if she really wants too.

Place: Ark, Arkadia , dropship,  mount weather , Polis

Arkadia and DROPSHIP!

Praimfaya Shelter: Ark , Bunker , ground

ARK! Ark! Lol...let's be honest the ark could be the safest.

Season:  1, 2, 3, 4

S1 for sure!

Season Finale: 1, 2, 3, 4

S4 tbh!

Ship: Bellarke, Clexa, Kabby, Linctavia, Marper, Memori, Sea Mechanic.

Everyone except for Clexa...Obviously. 

Team: Adults, Deliquents


Weapon: Gun, Knife, sword

I wouldn't mind either tbh...the more action the more better 😛

May we meet again.

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