Count Down for The 100/ Stydia Rant

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Hey, Kittens.

Guuuyyyssss!!!!! 6 more days for the 100, I'm Excited!!!!!!!

Seriously. The poster FINALLY (5 days ago) came out and i can't tell who is who...except for the girls🤔

Like looks it's a masterpiece

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Like looks it's a masterpiece. Technically it's 6 more days for the show to finally air and i can't breath. Bellarke, Raven, Octavia, Jonty, Briller, Monper, Kabby, Luna, Memori and BELLAMY BELLAMY BELLAMY!!!!!!! BELLAMY IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS. PLEASE DON'T SCREW UP HIS CHARACTER!!!!!!!!


Now, you can skip this if you want, it's just a rant for STYDIA because i watched Tuesday episode and my stydia feels.


STYDIA WAS AMAZING!!!! Although i do miss my Dylan, i did get to see him in flashbacks and that was cool. I'm not complaining because i got some sciles moments and although they are not brothers THEY'RE BROTHERS OKAY!!!! 💔 my heart ache for them, like Scott.

Did anyone notice scott and Maila? Maybe it was just my eyes but hmm🤔 KEEP SCOTT SINGLE!!!!! Honestly the ONLY person i liked him with was ALLISON and a part of me really wants Allison to come from the dead and GET HER BACK! Allison was scott Anchor just like how Lydia is Stiles Anchor.

STYIIIDDDAAAAA!!!!!😍😍😍😍💕🙈Lydia watching all the stydia moments they had together, and her just watching them and my heart couldn't take it anymore. The iconic kiss, THE FUCKING KISS GUYS!!!! LYDIA LOVES STILES SINCE SEASON 3A GUYS!!!! THAT'S WHEN IT HAPPENED. THAT'S WHEN IT CHANGED, THE KISS CHANGED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! SHE STARTED CRYING BECAUSE SHE WAS THE LAST PERSON WHO SAW HIM AND SHE DIDN'T SAY IT BACK.

FUCK SHE DIDN'T SAY IT BACK!!! SHE DIDN'T SAY IT BACK!!!!! She looks at Scott with tears and FUUCCKKK!!!!

I know Stiles isn't there when lydia was like "Stiles?" Because i feel like that's what Mr. Stilinski saw in the room. I'm Excited for the winter season finale😀 but not excited that it's ending😭

 I'm Excited for the winter season finale😀 but not excited that it's ending😭

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All the love,


May We Meet Again

6 more day for The 100

The 100 Rant #2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now