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Hey Kittens

Unity day happened, i'm getting my information from Twitter, the people who attended the convention are posting and talking about it. 

So, at the prop table, they had Clarke's list on display

So, at the prop table, they had Clarke's list on display

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Eliza said that Season 5 is going to blow our minds.

"The cast has had the opportunity to watch the s5 premiere and according to Eliza, it's one of the best season premieres yet."  

Eliza saw the season premiere and was SO EXCITED.

Eliza says it's official that Clarke gets her red hair from berries.  

Bob: "Season 5 is the best version of Bellamy."  Lindsey: "I feel like this is the most honest version of Bellamy."     

Bob said that he was first against who Bellamy was at the beginning of this season, but on reflection it's the best version of Bellamy. 

"This season was a real chance to reinvent their characters. Eliza: "Who is the new Bellamy, the new Raven, the new Clarke? [...] This season is amazing, I really hope you guys fuckin' enjoy it." 

"Lindsey says that Raven is always evolving. And that she really enjoyed playing the aftermath of Finn because losing him was the end of innocence for Raven." 

Gaia still has the flame. She feels the weight, the responsibility of it. 

Themes for season 5?Tati: "What truly is unity?" 

Who are their favourite new characters?Richard: "I have a clear favourite for many reasons." William Miller! "He's a bad mother fucker. He's an incredible actor. You're gonna love and hate him at the same time." 

How are Murphy and Emori?Richard: A lot of relationships have developed and regressed, I'm not saying who. But six years is a long time. 

Luisa and Chelsey, Emori and Harper, will have some scenes together in season five! 

"S5 opens up "a couple new worlds" which gives the show a different aesthetic. More variations in the color palettes." 

Nadia on what HER season 5 set is like: "Uh, it's like, hell. Raven is with me, she comes down, says hello. Clarke too. We all know what Clarke's into." Eliza: "ALL THREE OF US?"Nadia: "I mean I know Clarke and Raven do things."Eliza: "PRINCESS MECHANIC!" 

jo asked a question about how filming was like in the bunker and in space for s5, and eliza was like: "i wouldn't know. they left me behind." 

Jo: "In a non-spoiler way, what can you tell us about the finale?"Eliza Taylor: "Ha. No." 

lindsey says the history they all have together as characters and friends irl is "fucking awesome" 

Your 1st impression of the person on your left:Bob on Eliza: It was at a Kid's Choice Award in Australia. Eliza: When we first met, I was 16!Eliza on Lindsey: I was like "you're SEXY." Lindsey on Nadia: "I thought you were badass! But also HOT." 

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