My Bellarke Theory

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Hey Kittens.

So, I have this Bellarke theory that I quickly thought of when I watched the finale. I actually don't know if this will happen but it's something to think about.

So remember in season 3 when bellamy is looking for Clarke? Well its kinda like that.

We all know that in the finale it ended with Clarke staring at the ship of prisoners and we know that Bellamy and raven are not in it (Jason said so) So, everyone is talking about how Bellarke will reunite and it will be epic, personally I do think it will be epic but maybe not in a way we all think.

So this is where my theory comes in. I think the prisoners will somehow take Clarke, remember how Clarke told Maddie to take the rover and hide it and come with the guns? Will my theory is Maddie goes and takes the rover but when she returns, Clarke is gone. So the prisoners took Clarke.

Now I don't know how Bellamy will come into the story but I do know Bellamy thinks Clarke is dead, so his instinct will probably be finding Octavia.and since Clarke already mentioned that they tried to dig out the bunker, Maddie already knows where it is. So she is probably where the bunker is at and there, she sees Bellamy and Raven. They would probably be confused considering "who the hell is this little girl?" And "Why is she alive?". We all know Clarke was giving Maddie lessons, what lessons? We don't know. Maddie ends up finding out that raven and Bellamy are actually Bellamy and raven( her mom's friends) So she ends up telling them that Clarke got kidnapped.

This is when we see Bellamy finding out Clarke is alive.

Bellamy will probably try to rescue her and find her and that's how they will reunite.

Personally it doesn't sound bad, it could happen.

What about you guys? What are your theories?

I heard people think that the people in the spaceship is aliens... and people think Bellamy crew are in the ship but Jason confirmed saying that raven and bellany isn't in the ship meaning it could have Monty, Murphy, echo, Emori and Harper.

I did find this, so...

I did find this, so

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