S4×09 Promo

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Hey Kittens

So, I thought to write the promo for the episode that's coming out in 3 weeks😁



Okay, let's get started

So by looking at the trailer it looks like Clarke is looking at the bunker now there is someone behind her, if you look closely doesn't look like Roan?

So by looking at the trailer it looks like Clarke is looking at the bunker now there is someone behind her, if you look closely doesn't look like Roan?

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So we all know Roan doesn't know about the bunker yet, so Clarke and Roan could be going together to look at it

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So we all know Roan doesn't know about the bunker yet, so Clarke and Roan could be going together to look at it.

Now Clarke is saying "in six days anyone who's not in this bunker will be dead" at first I thought she could be talking to her people, but I see a figure...and it looks like Indra...A little.

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In the corner of the last picture, there is like a silver armor it could be

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In the corner of the last picture, there is like a silver armor it could be...and doesn't indra wear one?

Jaha seems to be the one to tell the people and of course Jasper is there smiling, like he doesn't want to die.

First off, when the hell does Harper not want to survive? WTF!!! When the hell did she start to listen to Jasper? So Jasper seems to try to convince people to stay and that if they go, they are choosing death. No they are choosing to survive honey.

Clarke seems to be captured?

Look clearly into the picture, on her neck there is a black tie around her

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Look clearly into the picture, on her neck there is a black tie around her. So Bellamy to the rescue perhaps.

And Jasper is just willing to die! It breaks my heart.

May we meet again.

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