My Bellarke Heart😍

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Hey Kittens

Hey guys I wanted to talk about the whole TCA being rigged but I thought it was really unnecessary only because it was really late ago. Bob, Eliza nor Bellarke won anything which pretty much annoyed the Shit out of me. Not to mention JAKE PAUL PERFORMED and I dislike this kid so much! So much drama, and in all honesty, he's a racist, homophobic piece of Shit. The fact that he lied about abuse, not just him but Meg (the women who claimed to be abuse) and his girlfriend defending his ass like she was there. I know there are two stories but how come Meg wasn't talking much about it until people started calling her out and Erika talking about how keemi shouldn't be making fun of this and "This is why girls/women's are too afraid to speak out" No bitch, people are afraid to speak up because stunts like this is happening and it's hard to believe people....there is so much more to say but I'll leave it here.


Bellarke happened! This happened! It's a perfect day to be alive!

Bellarke happened! This happened! It's a perfect day to be alive!

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For all the Bellarkes! It's happening guys! Bellarke will finally be endgame!

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For all the Bellarkes! It's happening guys! Bellarke will finally be endgame!

I can almost feel it.

Also I need to point this out but for everyone being pressed about Octavia wearing "Lexa's' costume? I guess is fucked up! Octavia won the conclave! She deserves to wear the armor. It's pathetic how pressed people can be.....

May we meet again.

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