Bellamy Blake Story

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Hey, Kittens 🐱

So, by the title I want to tell you guys because I feel like the people who are reading this might not understand why some people like me or you (bellarkes) LOVE Bellamy Blake.
I know there are some of you who don't understand Bellamy character, I know you all saw him as some selfish criminal in season 1 when he shot the chancellor or when he threw the radio in the water to save his arse.

I'm here as a bellarke shipper and as a Bellamy Blake Fan to tell you why Bellamy character is important and why Bellamy character is how he is...

Bellamy Blake wasn't a monster in the beginning, nor he never was. In season 1 you get to see Bellamy And Octavia flashbacks and you see that Bellamy deeply loves his sister and would do anything for her like he did when she went out to see the ark. Bellamy did that for her because she wanted To see it. Bellamy always did what he felt was right, even for Octavia. That did cause some consequences for his mother although Bellamy carried that guilt with him.

When he shot the chancellor, he did it for Octavia, he did it so he can go to earth and protect his sister because that's his priority. His priority is his sister and always has been and always will be. When Bellamy threw the radio in the water...yes he was saving his ass because he knew they would kill him the minute the ark comes down and he knew that Octavia would be alone, he knew that Octavia wouldn't have anyone. In season 3 of the flashback you could see that Octavia didn't get along with the others because they saw her as an outsider.

You see Bellamy did everything he can to only protect his sister, as in season 1 when Bellamy got worried because Octavia didn't return back, Clarke helped him and also some others but Bellamy told them he could find her himself but that didn't stop them to follow Bellamy because they saw Bellamy as a leader. They always saw Bellamy as a leader. When Bellamy killed someone, his comfort was Clarke because she was there for him. She understood. Clarke was the only one who understood Bellamy motive and that was because he wanted to save his sister. Bellamy did everything for his sister.

Now, here comes the important part, this is where it all started.

The pilot of the episode Jasper got speared in the chest...NOT BY A MOUNT WEATHER, NOT BY REAPERS BUT BY A GROUNDER!

When Bellamy rescued Octavia Lincoln A GROUNDER captured her yes, he did save her but he ALSO POISONED FINN WHICH CAUSED HIM TO ALMOST DIE! Again, A GROUNDER did that.

Bellamy wasn't on terms with the grounders because ALSO A GROUNDERS KILLED HIS PEOPLE not to mention killed Roma, His GIRLFRIEND!

Also the season finale it showed they were at war with the grounders.

In Season 2

The beginning starts with Bellamy following a GROUNDER who captured FINN and killed someone who was next to Finn because he was slowing them down. Let's also not forget that part where he almost killed himself.

A GROUNDER also asked for Finn life for a peace treat and Bellamy and clarke tried everything to hide him and come up with everything.

A GROUNDER also torched RAVEN for thinking she tried to poison Lexa when it wasn't Raven.

Now, one thing that they didn't show and that Bellamy HAS NO IDEA OF was when Lexa asked her grounder people to KILL Octavia but THANK GOD Clarke was there to stop him.

Also, Bellamy also found out that Clarke and Lexa (Grounder) let a bomb drop on TONDC where his PEOPLE and most importantly HIS SISTER was at, leaving them all in danger.

Let's also not forget that Bellamy RISKED his life, ALMOST DIED. GOT PEOPLE WHO HELPED HIM DIE, MAYA DIED for helping and trusting him to only find out that Lexa commander of grounders didn't follow through with the plan because she got her people back.

Bellamy also witnessed RAVEN getting torched AGAIN and felt useless(oh, wait didn't you say Bellamy was a monster? Didn't you say Bellamy has no heart? I must be blind.)

Season 3

Now tell me that Bellamy is a monster? Tell me that Bellamy is stupid? Because honestly he isn't. Every interaction he had with a grounder wasn't good (except for Lincoln) Bellamy never trusted grounders heck, it was hard for him to trust Lincoln. What I'm trying to say is Bellamy thought what he was doing is S3 was right, because of what he experienced with grounders. Grounders were terribly to him and his people, and it shows that when Clarke is with Lexa. Bellamy saw betrayal because Clarke choose Lexa over her people and at the same time HE LOST HIS GIRLFRIEND AGAIN! Bellamy Blake is human, Bellamy made lots of mistakes but he thought they were for good intention. BELLAMY NEVER TRUSTED GROUNDERS! PROBABLY NEVER WILL but he will try, he will try because of two people. Not because of Clarke...but because of Octavia. Octavia fell in love with a grounder, she trusted them and Bellamy trusted his sister. Also because of Lincoln. Lincoln was the only grounder who wasn't a monster, Bellamy grew to trust him and that was beautiful on how the learned to trust and he regret everything. If he could trade Lincoln life for his...HE WOULD only for his sister.

Quote: " If i could trade his life for mine. He'd be standing here right now and you would smile"


That quote makes me terribly sad, because it's not true.

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