If I became a the 100 fan later on.

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Hey, Kittens 🐱

So, this actually came to my mind when I was watching spider man, weird huh? Lol, for some odd reason, I was thinking about the show. I must really miss it.

Anyways, so I was thinking about the show and came to conclusion to how I would've reacted if I watched the show starting from season 3 and I realized, some scary things. I also noticed that my sisters (who don't watch the show) would probably think the same.

1 thing for sure is...

● I will hate Pike, Obviously. I just feel like this character would be unbearable to watch considering he was annoying and I HATE him and how he killed my precious Lincoln. I cannot forgive him although I did feel bad for him and also I actually wanted to see him again in season 4 but my unicorn of Octavia couldn't let that happen, like did pike really think Octavia was going to spare him like NO. You killed her true love.

● Jaha would be annoying and crazy as fuck. I came to realize that I don't hate Jaha, annoyed maybe but hate? I mean what has he done that made me hate him? I actually miss the selfless Jaha who almost died for his people, can I please have that Jaha back?

●I'll probably will adore Murphy so much, he would be my child. I think I would love Murphy so much because of his character; the sarcastic son of a Bitch. I also feel like Murphy character was also cute; trying to survive, fight for love and protecting the one he loves.

● I'll feel sorry for Jasper but also would think he's an idiot for taking the chip. I just think Jasper knew what happened, what happened with Raven but then again, he didn't really have a choice.

●I would adore Abby as hell(ironic since I hated her in season 1.) I think Abby is so strong and she will do anything for her people but her taking the chip to just save Raven was precious.

●I'll ship Kabby like duh, who wouldn't.

● Lincoln would probably be my favorite male character. I love Lincoln story, how he's trikru and skykru and how he just wants peace and at the end, he died. I honestly thought that Lincoln death was unnecessary and messy. I feel like Jason just wanted him off. It's quite sad because Lincoln had so much potential.

● I would LOVE Miller & Bryan together (As I do now)

●(As it pains me to say this) I probably Won't like Bellamy that much considering all the bad he did.

● I wouldn't like Octavia but I will think she's a strong warrior. I wouldn't like that Octavia because she violently beat Bellamy up for anger and that's not okay.

● Clarke would be annoying but I'll probably like her near the ending. I felt like Clarke in the S3 beginning was useless and then the Clarke I know came back and S3B and that I was happy.

● I'll love Monty & Harper together.

● I'll probably ship bellarke considering Bellamy did do everything to try to rescue Clarke with everything and how he wanted to go back with a bleeding leg just warmed my heart.

● I'll be a clexa shipper

● I'll LOVE Lexa(Completely hated her in S2) Lexa was actually good in season 3 but also Lexa I knew what you were doing.;)

● RAVEN WOULD BE MY MAIN GIRL, SHE WOULD BE MY FAVORITE I feel like Raven was the most underrated character this season, she didn't get enough recognization and that sad because she OWNED all her scenes.

● I'll LOVE Luna very much! #LunaforS4

That's probably it.

I'll also hate Jason for writing a shitty episode but also would watch season 4 because S3 ended with a cliffhanger and I would want to see how S4 ends.

That's it.

Note: Eliza Taylor was nominated for teen choice award and I knooow she can win this award! I know because she has amazing fans and she derseves this award.

MayWe Meet Again, 💕

Xoxo,Kisses 😙

- Amanda 💚

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