My Opinions on some ship(s)

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Hey Kittens

I've been asked to write my opinion on some ships by un-named04 so, here is my opinions.

Please note that these are MY opinion on these ships, don't take offense and by all means, if you disagree, comment down below and we will discuss like actually human beings.

Let's get started;

Clarke & Finn;

Hate them😒 Believe I don't mean any hate towards Thomas but his character in season 2 lacked! I remember season 1, he was such a good person, but his love for Clarke blinded him in season 2, he didn't care about right or wrong

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Hate them😒 Believe I don't mean any hate towards Thomas but his character in season 2 lacked! I remember season 1, he was such a good person, but his love for Clarke blinded him in season 2, he didn't care about right or wrong. Let's not forget that he cheated on Clarke and Raven with each other, he couldn't make up his mind, like if they were some toy, he played with both of there hearts, not caring about there feelings. If he cared about any of them, he would've made up his mind in the beginning and told Clarke about Raven the minute they kissed.

I do admit, the first and second episode may have been cute, but nah, after his little romance with raven and Clarke, I hate them together and him.

There really isn't reason why I don't like them, I just didn't like the fact he played them both.

Clarke & Lexa;

Hate them😒 They have different leadership skills, they have their own ways in survival

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Hate them😒 They have different leadership skills, they have their own ways in survival. Lexa also made Clarke kill Finn and then 3 episodes later in the show they kissed....? Um What? I don't think they are compatible and their morals are different. There relationship was obviously forced and rushed. Clarke HATED Lexa for what she did in Mount weather, yet 6 episodes into season 3, they forgive each other. Lexa also had Clarke as a prisoner because Clarke wanted to go to arkadia to talk to her people.

Octavia & Lincoln;

Match made in heaven😍 They both left like they never belonged in there own world but once Lincoln protected Octavia, once Octavia got to know Lincoln more, she felt safe

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Match made in heaven😍 They both left like they never belonged in there own world but once Lincoln protected Octavia, once Octavia got to know Lincoln more, she felt safe. She felt like she had a home and her home was Lincoln.

Harper & Monty;

I still believe I like them, they don't Really have much scenes together but one thing I will tell about this ship is, they were completely rushed

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I still believe I like them, they don't Really have much scenes together but one thing I will tell about this ship is, they were completely rushed. I thought there was so romantic connection until last season, them having sex and kissing caught me off guard but I ship them.

Clarke & Bellamy;

SOUL-FUCKING-MATES😍 Clarke is Bellamy anchor, whether people might not believe it, she is

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SOUL-FUCKING-MATES😍 Clarke is Bellamy anchor, whether people might not believe it, she is. Clarke is the good in Bellamys life, Bellamy is lost without her. Clarke is the mind and Bellamy is the heart💕

Kane & Abby;

I LOVE THEM😍 at first, I hated them together; Kane was so awful towards her but getting into season 2, he was a sweetheart💕 They are definitely made for each other and I hope to see more episodes with them together

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I LOVE THEM😍 at first, I hated them together; Kane was so awful towards her but getting into season 2, he was a sweetheart💕 They are definitely made for each other and I hope to see more episodes with them together.

All the love,

May We Meet Again

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