Manchester & Marawi 💔

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I've been meaning to approach this. I just want to say my condolences to the families/friends who lost there kids, loved one & friends. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

We live in such a cruel world where one of the places where people should feel safe and enjoy music is at a concert was affected by a bomb. I have no words to say. I'm completely appalled. No one derseves this!💔

Ariana grande babe, I'm so sorry. Please don't blame yourself. Take as much time as you need, we are here for you.

To the families, my condolences and prayers go out to you. I hope you find your children's. Rest in peace to the beautiful people who lost their lives in such a devastating way.💔

Pray for Marawi as Marawi people are now evacuating, pray for there safety. Please everyone be safe!

I cannot believe this is happening,

RIP to the lost beautiful souls we lost. Please if you live in Marawi please evacuate. Isis seem to be attacking and burning up houses and schools.

My heart hurts by thinking of what the people over there are going through. Where is the love?

I'm heart is breaking by this!💔

I'm heart is breaking by this!💔

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