S4×06 Promo

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Hey, Kittens🐱

I wrote this and it got deleted so I have to write again...I hate when this happens.

Whatever, let's just get into the meaning on this update.

So yesterday we didn't get an episode, but next week it's on, so don't worry, we will all have our Bellarke feels in a bunch, ahhhhh I can't wait!

Although this show isn't about its ships but the amazing plots that the writers come up with. Season 1 has always been my favorite season but YUP THIS SEASON IS BECOMING MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!

So before I start this, just wanna say

So before I start this, just wanna say

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Okay, now. Let's get onto this rant, I actually have some other topics, I wanna talk about but I'll leave that for another rant.

So, next episode looks pretty intense considering how the other episodes are going, from the beginning all the episodes have been really moving and  intense by every minute.

This episodes looks like a lot will happen.

Monty made it clear that with one single wrong bump, it could explode, which means that It could go wrong.

Bellamy, Roan and Clarke are going on a road trip and by the looks of the trailer, they come across some people, Bellamy seems to be holding a gun and aiming it to a grounder? And Clarke seems to be driving.

Roan is going to be in the episode alot.

We see like 2 seconds of Murphy😍

I hope they actually get the hydrogen, I hope no one dies. I'm curious to how they will react to Ilian. I saw pictures with Octavia aiming at gun at him.


News: Riverdale got renewed for season 2, TVD is finally ending and I couldn't be happier considering the show was going to Shit anyways.


Bellarke Shippers:

Watch this video!!!!!!! Soooooo much Bellarke feeeelllllsssss!!💕💕💕💕😍😍😍

All the love,


May We Meet Again

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