Germs in Thailand (Harry)

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Harry and Louis own a beautiful appartment in the center of London. They own a fantastic house in Thailand as well. They just loved to travel there. Like now. They had arrived yesterday. They had decided to spend their week-long holiday in bangkok. Their tour had just finished and Louis and Harry were really looking forward to have a great time together.

They spent the first day going to a museum and they did some sightseeing as well. Thailand is such a beautiful country. The people over there are so relaxed and friendly. Even though they didn't have much, they always gave everything.

In the evening, they were staying at their house. Harry had cooked a meal. He had bought some weird kind of meat at the local market over there, as well as some noodles and vegetables. Louis enjoyed the meal, but thought the meat looked a bit strange, so he didn't take a bite of that. He just didn't trust it.

After dinner they were enjoying a nice and warm bath together.

When they got out of bath, Harry was feeling really tired. He blamed it on the whole trip they made that day, walking from there to there. He decided to go to bed. Louis actually wanted to stay awake for a little bit longer, but when he looked at his boyfriend, he could really tell that Harry was exhausted, so he joined him. They kissed and cuddled for a while, before drifting off into a peacefull sleep and sharing their dreams.

The next morning, around ten a.m., Harry sneezed for the very first time. He didn't feel that great. Not that he felt that bad really, but he knew he was coming down with something.

"Hey, Haz, getting a cold?" Louis asked as he heard his boyfriend sneeze.

"I don't know. I feel a little weird. Like I'm coming down with something." he replied.

"Maybe you should sleep a bit more. I hope you're not getting sick, that wouldn't be funny for neither one of us." Louis said.

"That's not a bad idea. I still feel as exhausted as I did yesterday when we went to bed." Harry responded.

"Probably jet lag. I'm quite tired too. But it will pass. Now, go to sleep sweety. Call me if you start to feel worse. I'm in the living room."

A couple of hours later, Harry had a fever. He knew it, because his skin was warm and sweaty. And it wasn't because of the weather, since the air conditioning in their house was on. Harry's bowels roared and his stomach was hurting.

"Boo bear..." Harry called out.

Louis walked into the bedroom and saw his boyfriend was really pale and sweaty.

"Aww, hun... you're feeling worse, aren't you?" he asked concerned.

"My stomach is making all kinds of weird noises and it is hurting." Harry explained.

"Poor sweety, I'll give you an aspirin. Maybe it is better that you stay in bed today." Louis replied.

After taking an aspirin, Harry spend the rest of the day in bed, just as Louis adviced.

On the third day, Louis got really worried. Whatever it was that Harry was having, it was not getting any better. In fact, it was only getting worse. Louis decided to call a doctor.

"Haz, sweety. I'm calling a doctor. Because we are not going to manage with only aspirins. You're far too sick hun.

Harry nodded, but to be honest, he was nervous, uneasy, with fear. He didn't like doctors at all, he was really scared of them. It was already an issue when he was a child. He didn't know why he was so scared of them. And now, he had to deal with a doctor that he didn't know, which made his fear only worse.

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