Sick on Christmas day (Louis)

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It's Christmas. Harry woke up, being completely excited. Today it was the day they could open the presents that were under their tree. Harry took a look at the clock. It was 11 a.m. and Louis was still sleeping. "Strange." Harry thought by himself. Normally Louis always woke up early on Christmas day. Harry decided to go upstairs and wake him.

Harry opened the bedroom door and saw Louis, curled up in a ball, crying softly. Harry went to sit on the bed and started stroking his hair.

"Hey..., what's the matter?" Harry asked concerned.

"I...I'm hu-u-u-u-r-ting." Louis managed to bring out between the sobs.

"What's hurting boo bear?" Harry asked while stroking his boyfriend's hair some more.

"My head hurts and my belly too..." Louis answered.

"Oh love... that's not very good. Let me feel your forehead." Harry said.

"O..kay." Louis said.

Harry put a hand on Louis forehead. Louis was burning up.

"I'll go grab a thermometer. You're burning up love." Harry stated.

"Don't leave..." Louis begged.

"Shh, Lou, I'll be right back, I need to know your temperature love."

Louis nodded. He hates being sick. And today it's Christmas. His favorite day of the year. Why does he have to be sick today?

Harry returned with the thermometer. He placed in Louis mouth and waited for the beep.


Harry took the thermometer out of Louis' mouth and took a look at it.

"39,5 °C (103.1 °F). Ooh love, you're really sick." Harry said.

"I feel like crap... and it's Christmas... I'm ruining everything..." Louis said and started crying again.

"Don't cry love... it'll only make you feel worse. You're not ruining anything love. If you're sick you're sick. I'll take care of you. I can bring our presents upstairs and we can open them in bed. What do you think about that?" Harry asked.

"Well... that s..." Louis couldn't finish his sentence. He covered his mouth with his hand and ran for the toilet, fell to his knees and threw up. Harry ran after him to rub his back.

"Are you done boo bear?" Harry asked after a while.

"Not sure..." Louis said, still feeling nauseous, resting his head on the rim of the toilet, completely exhausted. Then Louis threw up again. After a while the fit passed.

"Want to go back to bed love?"

Louis nodded. Harry helped Louis to get into bed and covered him with the duvet.

"Haz... I'm sorry..." Louis said.

"Don't be sorry Lou. Why don't you take a nap? You're really pale."

"Yeah... just a little nap."

"Okay love. When you wake up we'll open our presents in bed yeah?"

"Yes... I would love to open them by the Christmas tree, but..." Louis said sadly.

"Don't worry about it love. Just sleep a little now. Is there anything I can get you at the moment?"

"Not really... but thanks."

"You're welcome." Harry said and closed the door.

Louis fell asleep quite fast.

Harry knew Louis was sad about the whole situation. Louis favorite thing was unwrapping the gifts by the tree. Moving the tree upstairs was not really an option, it was way too tall. But Harry got an idea. He walked over to their storage room and looked in all the boxes.

"Aha, perfect." He thought by himself. He found some more decorations for the tree that they didn't put in because it was too much. He took a few things out of the box and decorated himself with it.

"If I can't move the tree upstairs, I'll be a Christmas tree myself." He thought. He was even wearing some lamps. It was looking funny, but he'd do anything for Louis. Harry took all of the presents and went upstairs. He opened the bedroom door quietly. Louis was still asleep. Harry put the presents down and walked over to the bed. He gently shook Louis.

"Psss... Louis... time to wake up love." Harry said.

Louis opened his eyes and saw Harry, wearing all those decorations. He started to laugh a little.

"Oh Haz, haha."

"Well, I couldn't move the real tree, so I decided to play tree myself."

"Haz... that's so sweet."

"Anything for you love. Let's open the presents. Here. This one is for you love." Harry said, handing Louis a small box.

"Thanks." Louis said and unwrapped the gift. Inside was a bottle of Louis' favorite perfume. He smiled.

"Ooh thank you Haz. My favorite!" Louis said happily.

"Now it's your turn love. Open your present." Louis said.

Harry took the present that Louis had bought for him. The box was quite huge. Harry opened it and started smiling immediately.

"Ooh Louis... you shouldn't have bought it, but I loooooovee it."

"Glad you like it." Louis said.

What Harry got was a special pillow to put in a chair. When you sit on it you get a massage.

"Lou, love. How are you feeling now?" Harry asked, noticing Louis' skin was still very pale.

"Not too good." Louis said sadly.

"You feel like eating something?"

"No. Not at all. I'm afraid I'll throw everything up again."

"Ooh Lou... still hurting?"


"Just rest love. I'm going to clean everything up and I'll lay with you okay? We can watch a movie in bed.

"Would be lovely." Louis said.

Harry cleaned everything up and crawled into bed next to Louis. He pulled him closer and ran a hand through Louis' hair. They had put on Grease, Louis' favorite movie. After 20 minutes Harry noticed Louis fell asleep. He turned the T.V. off and closed his eyes as well. And like that he fell asleep. Holding Louis tightly.

In 3 days Louis was better and then they had their Christmas dinner.

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