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Alzar’s feet pounded through the mud, the vibrations of the earth sending chilling jolts through his nerves. He could feel energy bleeding from the ground, the spillage from a dam that was waiting to burst.

Sariel lay on his side, blond hair splashed over his face in bloody mats. His wounds were fresh, oozing scarlet with every heave of his chest. His eyes rolled back to spot Alzar, panic flashing across his face.

Alzar sank to his knees, propping Sariel up by the shoulders, his head falling against his collarbone. His scar tingled, and Alzar’s eyes burned, tears welling to the surface.

Sariel struggled to speak, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. “Al, I-I just want to protect you. But she's won.”

Alzar began to shake, bringing his trembling fingers to brush across Sariel’s face. “She hasn't,” he whispered, something sparking in his now-inhuman eyes. His blood was roaring in his ears, the buzz of the earth’s writhing becoming unbearable.

He remembered Fancy’s words. If a World Eater were to eat another World Eater…

Above, Fancy had grown still. She watched him, almost with anticipation, eyeballs leering down at him with vicious glee.

Alzar hugged Sariel closer to his chest, clenching his eyes shut as he felt Sariel’s life waning. “I'm sorry, Sariel.” He let his palm settle against the ground.

His shell began to crack. He was emerging.

“I'm so sorry.”

The ground was tearing, shredding into nothing as his spines overtook the earth and rose to meet the sky.

“I don't know what else to do.”

Fancy was motionless, the silence deafening as the spines stretched into a massive maw.

“I love you.”

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