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“FANCY!” ALZAR CRIED, TWISTING HIS NECK AROUND TO FACE HER. He couldn't keep himself from trembling, the cold rain soaking through his shirt and pants.

Fancy was unperturbed by the chaos, curls of strawberry blonde hair falling across her face like a halo. Her white gown clung tightly to her torso as she shifted her hips, two masses of flesh tearing him her lower back. The tentacles were pulsing, pale veins circling around hundreds of bloodshot eyeballs.

Alzar froze, his anxiety going haywire, as if he had seen this before. He watched, stupefied, as Fancy gored both of the officers through the chest. She shook the corpses off with an uninterested expression, and then approached Alzar.

The sky was stained reddish-brown, casting an unearthly light as Fancy stretched out a hand. “Alzar, my dear, are you alright?”

“You're-You're-” Alzar whispered, his tongue unable to form the words as he gaped at the appendages that had forced their way out of a gash on Fancy’s spine.

Fancy gently shushed him, pulling him against her chest. Her skin was dry despite the pouring rain, its cold touch sending chills down Alzar’s body. Regardless, it was human contact, and was all he craved. He clawed at handfuls of her dress, pushing his head into the curve of her torso. She wrapped her arms around him, tucking his head under her chin.

“It's okay, Alzar. You're safe now. I took care of it.” She pulled him up by the chin, raising her eyebrows, “That's why I don't need you to leave my sight, alright, dear? I can't protect you if you're away from me.”

Alzar nodded fervently, tears intermixing with rain. He buried his head in the crook of her neck.

He didn't see the insect-like creatures crawling out of corpses, scuttling under Fancy’s dress.

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