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ALZAR FOUND A ROAD. His legs had near given out on him, patches of mud dragging on his ankles and making him trip. The only thing that kept him moving was his desperation to follow Abaddon’s orders.

His stomach seemed to be gnawing a hole in itself, his hunger finally catching up with him. He hadn't eaten anything since the night before, and even then it hadn't been much. He wondered how long he could go before his body shut down. Was this a lost cause?

He rubbed the handcuff marks on his wrist. No, this was right. Abaddon was right.


Headlights appeared on the horizon, a cloud of dust following a patrol car like another vehicle. This was his chance.

His heart pounded frantically as he forced his hand to shoot up, meekly waving in their direction. Blue and red lights flipped on, making Alzar’s stomach twist. What was he supposed to say?

“Hey, kid,” the man asked, rolling down the window as the car came to a stop, “You need help?”

“I-I need a ride,” Alzar spoke clumsily, his eyes wide, “Please, can you take me somewhere else?”

He turned to his partner, whispering things that the buzzing in Alzar’s ears muted. He thought he heard the phrase “looks like someone beat him.”  Alzar shuffled his feet.

The man’s expression softened. “Go on and get in the back. We're gonna take you to the hospital, okay? I promise they'll take care of you.”

The cheap upholstery of the police car was a godsend as Alzar sank down into the seat, letting his head fall against the window.

The trees seemed to pass by unbearably slow, and Alzar’s mind wandered beyond the tight confines of the car. Had Fancy returned? Did she know he was gone? Was she already coming after him?

Alzar’s knuckles at turned white against the armrest as he struggled to take a breath. His senses were fuzzy as the other officer turned around, giving him a reassuring smile. Alzar tried to keep himself from rocking back and forth.

“Take it easy, buddy. We're almost there. Are you worried about something?”

“I don't want her to find me,” Alzar managed to rasp, “Please don't let her find me.”

The officer nodded understandingly, Alzar savoring his gentle demeanor. He reminded him of Abaddon. “You're safe here. Whoever this is, we won't let her touch you again, alright?”

“Right,” Alzar forced through a clenched jaw. He turned his head, seeking a distraction. He recognized this part of the county. They weren't too far from another town.

Just as soon as Alzar began to relax, a dark shape burst from the underbrush, slamming into the hood of the patrol car.

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