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Alzar’s cheeks burned as he chewed on the skin on his lips. He tasted blood and avoided Miss Hastur’s cool gaze.

“Your file says that you don't exhibit the normal attention seeking behavior, however. You're an exceptional student, but apparently you lapse into odd behaviour such as lashing out at your peers and referring to yourself as ‘we’ or using the third person? Yesterday, you hit a boy in the locker room, is that right? What happened then?”

Alzar fidgeted in his chair, nails dug into the side of his arm. “I don't remember any of this.” He turned his head, “I never do.”

Miss Hastur sighed, reaching across her desk. “Alzar, this is a safe space. You will not get in trouble for any information you disclose here. I am to act as your confidante and help you work through any issues you may be struggling with. So, please, talk to me earnestly.”

“I am!” Alzar snapped, “I have these weird blackouts sometimes when I get stressed. I can't remember what happens during them.”

Miss Hastur arched her eyebrows, genuine surprise falling across her almost plastic face. “What do you mean by ‘blackout?’”

Alzar paused, cursing under his breath. He hadn't meant to share that much with her. His heart pounded in his ears as his palms grew wet. This was his darkest secret, and now the school counselor was onto him?

“It's nothing,” Alzar growled, fear leaking into his voice.

“Nothing? Mr. Lorne, you are implying you are experiencing amnesia! This is serious. Tell me what you mean.”

Alzar met eyes with her, struggling to swallow.

There was no going back now.

“It just, like, feels like I pass out and something else takes over. I don't even know it happened until it's over. Stuff happens and I have no memory or control over it. It feels like…” he looked down, tugging at the straps of his backpack, “Nevermind, it's dumb.”

“I'm sure it's not dumb, Alzar. Please tell me what you feel.”

Alzar jerked at his shirt collar, throat dry as he finally brought life to the thought that had been lurking in his mind. “It feels like I'm being possessed by something, like in some weird horror movie. That's just what it feels like sometimes. I know it's not true.”

Miss Hastur’s eyes were gold and vibrant as she focused on Alzar, a smile coming to her red lips. Alzar noticed she hadn't blinked the entire time he had been speaking with her.

“Mr. Lorne, you could be right.”

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