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“HOW WAS SCHOOL, ALZAR?” Sairel asked, looking up from his plate.

“Fine, I guess,” Alzar muttered, shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth. He wasn't hungry, but he didn't want to waste the food Sariel had barely managed to make. He could tell Sariel felt horrible.

Sariel frowned, reaching across the table to touch his hand. “Alzar, you can always talk to me if something's bothering you, okay?”

Alzar blushed, retracting his hand into his lap. He stood up swiftly, hugging his chest. “I'm going to bed. I had a long day at school.”


A beast stood before Alzar, a bear made from black fire. It gazed at him with dark, intelligent eyes.

Abaddon. Alzar wasn't sure how he knew, but it felt right.

They sat in an endless, white space, void of any texture or surroundings. Alzar was naked, and he hugged his knees miserably, outstretching a quivering hand.

Abaddon lurched forward, hot mist fuming from his snout. He touched his forehead to Alzar’s palm, and Alzar felt at ease.

Alzar gasped, his eyes snapping open as he sat up in bed. Cold sweat soaked the back of his neck as he panted for breath.

Was that really Abaddon? Or had Miss Fancy’s words influenced his dreams? Alzar couldn't be sure.

Whatever it was, it had felt real. He couldn't shake the feeling, it lurked in his chest, clutching his heart with a chilling fist.

Alzar let his head rest against the headboard of his bed. At this point, everything felt like it was all in his head.

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