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ALZAR FELT FANCY’S FINGERS ON THE BACK OF HIS NECK. “Target Abaddon’s energy, and then destroy it. This should feel natural to you.”

He clenched his eyes shut. Something in his chest quivered, a cold force that hung in his heart and crawled across his lungs with a writhing tail like ice. With a sharp mental prob, Alzar approached it.

His entire body spasmed, Abaddon’s eyes snapping open. Abaddon snatched Fancy by the wrist, sweat dripping down his face.


Alzar grunted, taking control as he slapped his hands to the ground, digging his nails into the mud. His entire body was on fire, white hot pain traveling from his head to his toes. His chest was about to burst, the creature he assumed was Abaddon erratic with fear. He struck it again, more pain taking the air from his lungs.

Images flashed before his eyes, from conversations he didn't remember and places he's never been. Was he seeing in Abaddon’s eyes?

“Alzar!” Abaddon screamed as he doubled over, coughing bile onto the ground, “You can't do this! Listen to me!”

Another harsh tremor. Alzar didn't know if it came from his body or earth itself. It felt as if his head was about to rip in two, every inch of his being fighting to stay in control.

Abaddon’s essence was waning, slowly being taken over by Alzar. Weak, Abaddon clenched his fist, unable to pull himself off the ground. He met eyes with Fancy, her cold, dead eyes burrowing under his skin like a knife.

Abaddon was gasping for breath, his life dripping away with every second.

“How could you let him do this?” he rasped, eyes growing dull, “He'll destroy everything.” His eyes widened. "But...that's what you want, right?"

Fancy tilted her head, a small smile on her lips.

It was over.

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