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“YOUR TIME ON EARTH IS OVER, WORLD EATER,” SARIEL GROWLED, TAKING A STEP FORWARD. She stood firm, gently bouncing the baby in her arms.

“I don't believe that's so,” she replied.

Above her, Sariel saw two blazing eyes clambering over the stone, a surprise attack plotted by Judas.

He just had to keep her distracted.

Sariel lowered his head, exposing an array of gnashing teeth. The wings on his back twitched as rain poured down, the sky stained a reddish hue. “You've made a mistake, weakening yourself like this.”

The World Eater let her fingers brush across the infant’s face, wiping fluid from its forehead. “Weakened? You believe I'm weakened?”

She arched her back, a pulsing mass of flesh ripping from her spine, snatching Judas by the neck. She dragged him from the shadows, shaking him like a ragdoll. She flung him to the ground, and he didn't stir.

“This is disappointing, dear Sariel,” she said almost chastising him, “You sent your little angel after me instead of fighting me yourself. I expected more from the Guardian of Earth.” The tentacle rested on the ground, the bloodshot eyeballs dotting its surface twisting to view Sariel.

Sariel narrowed his eyes, trying to hide the fear that churned in his stomach. The rain rolling down his face began to sting. The World Eater tossed her head to the clouds, wrenching her neck far beyond the limits of a human body.

“I really don’t plan to kill you, Guardian. You're far too useful for that.” She shifted her shoulders, more tentacles tearing out of her body, spiraling around her thighs and falling across the ground.

She flashed Sariel a smile, and for a brief second, he saw the rest of the universe in her eyes.

“Have you perhaps heard of a cuckoo bird?”

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