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The emptiness was startling, dragging him from his slumber and making his heart throb. His vision was blurry as he pulled himself from the ground, hair in messy clumps against his forehead.

Around him, there were small fissures, bone-like spines jutting from the earth in a loose circle. Alzar almost choked, his brain immediately recalling the very spines that had protruded from his body.

“How did this…” Alzar breathed, cutting off his sentence as he stretched out his fingers, reaching for the spine closest to him.

“You shouldn't worry about it, Alzar.”

Fancy was suddenly standing above him, arms folded behind her back.

Alzar’s lips split in the ghost of another question, but Fancy smiled, kneeling by him. “This is normal. How do you feel?”

“I, uh…” His voice trailed off as he searched within himself, hoping for introspection. His mind was buzzing, derailing his thoughts and scrambling his senses. Everything seemed to be connected to one central sensation: his stomach felt like it was eating itself alive.

The idea of food had always made Alzar feel vaguely nauseous, but now he was ravenous. He couldn't keep himself from trembling, every nerve in his body screaming for nourishment.

Fancy’s hand rested on his shoulder. “You seem ill. Would you like to take a walk? The fresh air will benefit you.”

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