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IT FINALLY SANK IN. He was a monster trapped in a human body. A parasite. But most of all...

“You're my mother?” Alzar rasped, dawning realization weighing down the corners of his mouth.

Fancy cradled his head against her chest, running her fingers through his matted hair. “That's why I've been taking care of you, Alzar. That's why I want you to be safe.”

Alzar choked as she wiped a tear off his cheek. “Alzar, as a World Eater, you're nowhere near maturation. Your powers may have started to come in, but you're still a chick inside its egg. You can't even eat yet.” Her eyes, alien yet familiar, glimmered with a patronizing spark. “But that's why I gave you Abaddon. He’s a step off for your power, the boost you need to begin your transformation. All you have to do is consume him.”

Alzar’s heart skipped a beat. “I can't,” he said without thinking, “I've never been without him.” He could almost feel Abaddon’s form from his dreams, silky fur becoming tactile under his hand. “He’s my guardian.”

Alzar tugged out of Fancy’s arms, gritting his teeth. She stood up, dusting off her palms. For a moment, he was afraid he had incited her anger, but then she smiled.

“Abaddon is a demon, Alzar. He is a conniving beast that only wants to save his own skin. Any love you think he feels is in your imagination.”

“But-But he said-”

“He was lying, Alzar. Twisting your perceptions so you would follow his will. He was trying to drive you away from me, right?”

Weakly, Alzar shook his head. He scratched the exposed flesh on his arms, dried blood collecting under his fingernails. He sat shivering, his wet clothes hugging uncomfortably close to his skin.

Fancy stroked his cheek. “Now, now, Alzar. Please don't get upset. I don't want to hurt you. I'm doing this for your sake. I want you to reach your full potential. Once you're a full World Eater, everything will stop being so painful.”

She leaned forward, strawberry blond curls cascading over her shoulder. “I will protect you once Abaddon is gone. Isn't that what you want, Alzar? To be safe?”

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