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Sariel gasped, his eyes snapping open. He was lying in bed, cellphone blaring on the nightstand. He scrambled to put his glasses on his face, the music coming from his phone instilling a sense of urgency.

“Hello?” Sariel said, his quivering fingers almost missing the ‘answer’ button.

“Is this Sariel Lorne?” It was an adult’s voice. Sariel couldn't recall who it belonged to.

“This is he,” he replied. He relaxed, letting his head fall against the headboard. It was seven o’clock in the morning, and he had only slept for about three hours. Sariel was feeling it's effects.

“I was told to ask you if you wanted to attend a grief counseling session this morning.” Sariel realized who he was speaking with- the same man that had glared at him the night before. He sounded just as happy to speak to him as he had so many hours ago. “The school is holding it. It's free.”

Sariel wanted to do nothing more than to sleep the rest of the day away, but he knew that wasn't an option. The more he sat at home, the more time he had to think about the accident. He needed to keep active, keep his mind busy. At least grief counseling would be constructive.

“I'll be there.”


Once again, Sariel found himself on the road, dry hands clenching the steering wheel as if his life depended on it.

A fear had creeped into his mind, a feeling that was all too familiar. He lifted his head, watching the rear-view mirror with a pounding heart. It was nonsensical, he knew it, but he couldn't shake it.

He felt like something was following him.

Sariel took a sudden turn, gliding onto an alternate path to town. Would that scare off any pursuers?

Another glance to the mirror. Still nothing. Sariel shook his head, suddenly feeling silly. This was stupid.

He looked at the mirror again. Right?

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